Page 99 of Sea's Secret

“You also told me not to do as you say.”

“Do not help me. Save it for someone else–yourself,” he snapped.

“If I had not, you would be without a hand and without a crew, all would have been lost in the depths of the sea! You might at this very moment not be breathing!” I shouted, and it was the first time in my life I had ever shouted at anyone. But I couldn't help it; the feelings that floated around inside of me were confusing, and he was confusing, and it was such a stark contrast from what had just been between us. How quickly the warmth had cooled down between us with his cool, ‘Cruel Hand’ demeanor.

“I can take care of myself! I have for my whole life!” he said, moving up in bed to sit. I went to sit beside him upon the bed, placing my hand on his shoulder.

“I understand that, but you do not have to.”

He pushed my hand away. “Meria, I am fine, and I do not need help.”

Anger crashed inside of me, again, like a huge wave. “Maybe that is your problem! You do not let people help till you are nearly dead!” I bellowed back.

He stood, not moving far, but he was off the bed. I quickly followed, standing in front of him, the bed just behind me.

“Get in bed. Rest, Meria; you have helped me enough. You have to be very tired,” he said, his dark eyes flashing to my mouth before looking again at my eyes.

“No! I do not want to. I will not do what you say! You have a problem, Dominick!” I shouted again.

“I have a problem?” he said, his eyes bright with irritation. “Yes, I have many of those; where should I begin?”

I knew he was not looking for an answer, so I waited. I wanted to hear what he had to say.

“Should I begin with my curse? Maybe, I should begin with the fact that I was sent away from my family? That I lived with my cruel uncle who I am sure even the Traitor King himself would fear? Or you know what you should know–what I should really tell you first?” he asked, leaning in closer to me. My heart was beating erratically within my chest.

“I torture people, Meria,” his voice was deep, his tone dark and haunting. “I kept track of every single one. Five hundred and fifty-four. I tortured them all before they were tossed into the sea for dead.”

“Dominick–” I gasped.

“No, there is more,” he said, moving even closer to me. I did not move; he was not going to frighten me with his past. I was not afraid of him. “I steal from kingdoms. I use my title as a way to blend in, and then I steal gold and jewels. And do you want to know the worst of it all?”

Tears were streaming down my face, but not from fear, but from the pain I could sense inside of him. From all he had been forced to do, for the life he had with Veeto, that horrible man. Dominick was silent for a moment. Slowly, with his hands, he touched my face. His hands were still gloveless and clear of the black veins. He wiped away each tear, and I prayed to Mother Sea and to the Creator that my tears he was wiping away would finish whatever healing they could for him. His skin was rough, but warm. He was gentle even though the world he had known had only ever been cruel to him. I understood that he had been forced to be cruel.

“Dominick, I do not like seeing you like this.”

Dominick gently guided me, until my back was against the wall beside the bed. Only a few steps, but it seemed like miles.

“Of course not, and that is good. But I will go on because you need to know. You should be aware of the man you have put your trust in. The man you keep trying to save.”

“Dominick, it does not matter what you tell me. I know you are good,” I whispered. I heard the hum again, what I believed to be his soul’s melody. With time, I was sure he would be able to release it. I knew how to pull it from him, and I would; I would show him.

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. “I killed my father.”

I gasped, unable to control my surprise that he believed that. “No, you didn’t.” There was no way. Killing someone stripped the murderer’s soul.

“That is why I have this scar,” he said as he touched the side of his cheek where his scar was. “As I was inflicting unspeakable pain upon my father, he shoved me away. I fell and cut my face. It is a reminder of who I am–what I have done. My father’s last gift to me, that I would always remember him by. I killed him. Do you still wish to touch me, Meria? Still think I am not bad? Still think my touch won’t cause you pain? Still want to break my curse?” he taunted, so close but not touching me.

“I–” I began, but I did not have the words for all I was feeling. I had so many emotions flowing through me, but none of them indicated that he was so lost and beyond saving, or that he held no value, or that I should not care for him deeply. Yes, he had been through more horror than I or probably most mer or humans go through, but that did not mean he was not good at his core. He had goodness in him, and despite the bad in his past, that goodness was trying to sing free. I could hear it.

“Still think that there is something here within me worth a moment of your time? Because I am telling you, now, this is the only warning I will give you, little mermaid, there is nothing but darkness here.” He was panting, and I felt my face continue to become wet with tears.

I was shocked by his words, but my heart, more than ever, realized that all he had dealt with during his life had made him the strong man that he was, standing there before me.

“Dominick–” I whispered behind my tears.

“Do not cry for me. Please, do not pity me. You should fear for yourself.”

I looked up in confusion. I knew Dominick would never let harm come to me.