“But what happens to you? I know you did something earlier. I saw you without your gloves after we spoke, and when I came in here, it seemed that your neck hurt. Do you take away the pain, but put it on yourself?”
“Let me help you, Meria.”
“No, I do not want to cause you pain.”
“It is nothing. Truly, I have helped many with worse injuries.”
“What do you mean?” I was surprised. “Do you take on others’ pain often?”
“Meria, I just want to help you.”
“Tell me, Dominick.”
“Sometimes, when I act as the Prince, I go to the local ports and have Sands find those who are suffering. It is not healing I give people. I just take away their pain with the hope that they will then have the strength to recover.”
“Dominick,” I said, my mouth open wide, amazed by that man.
“It is nothing, Meria.”
“It is everything, Dominick.” I stepped up to him. “You are so selfless.”
“No, I am not. I selfishly do it–to ease my guilt.”
I didn't believe that. “Right now? Helping me with my pain will relieve guilt?”
“Meria, stop this, and let me take away your pain.”
“Is that a demand?”
“No–you have a choice; you always have a choice,” he trailed off. “But I would feel better if you felt better.”
“Will you be okay?” I asked as I stepped closer to him.
“You ask that–as if touching you would be a burden.”
“It isn’t?” I whispered as he pressed his chest against mine, one hand at my lower back. Dominick knew that mermaids had magical healing abilities. We had discussed it in the cave. The stipulation for it to work was that it had to be given freely to another, which was why the humans had never been successful in using our healing when they had captured us and tried to use our power for their gain. Unless within a mermaid’s heart, she desired to use her magic, it would not work. I focused on my magic and waited for Dominick to touch my skin. I wanted to heal whatever pain he had, and that, I desired with all of my heart.
“No–not a burden at all,” he whispered into my ear as he reached with one hand, moving my hair over my shoulder, pressing his warm hands to my neck.
The instant our skin touched, my pain was gone, and I poured all the healing magic I could into him as tears dropped down my face. He pulled back a little, and our eyes met, but I reached up behind me and held his hand against my skin, wanting to heal as much of his pain as I could. I watched with joy as his eyes lightened, as if the years of pain, which had darkened them, had been removed. He finally got his hand free of mine and pulled away, raising his hands up.
“I am so sorry,” he gasped, walking closer to me, but then he stepped back, holding his hands to his sides as if they would poison me.
“I don't feel it anymore,” I said with a smile. “Thank you.”
“What?” he gasped. “Do not lie to me, Meria. I did not–Something else happened.”
“Your curse is very effective.”
“But I didn't feel it.”
“Feel what?”
“Usually, when I take pain from someone, I feel it within myself, tenfold. When I did it earlier today, I felt it, but right now–I don’t feel it. When that happens, when I do not feel pain, that usually means I am inflicting it.”
“Truly, Dominick, I did not feel anything but relief.” He stepped even further away, running his hand over his face. He walked to his desk and put his gloves back on in silence.
“You promise me, Meria. You really did not feel any pain? I need to know.”