Page 131 of Sea's Secret

Everyone shouted in unison, “All hail to Queen Allia!”

“You know what to do, Queen Allia. You shall be blessed.” Ancient Celia turned to look at me. “I am happy you are finally reunited with your mother, but I would advise you, Meria, to not shield your heart–but trust it.”

Then, with a silver shower of sparkles, the Ancient was gone.

“I am sorry for what I have done, my Queen,” Father said, turning to my mother.

“Thank you, and even though you have betrayed both your family and your people, you may live in Marren as long as you do not cause anymore problems. About fully forgiving you, we shall see. I am not like you, I am not vindictive. Still, for the moment, I do not forgive you.”

Father nodded. It was so strange to see him so defeated. I knew he had done bad things, but my mother’s mercy toward him was a reminder that the Ancient’s ways were good.

“I will make sure the human kingdoms are aware of the peace that exists here,” Dominick said.

“We shall be hopeful for good things from humans, I have seen their kindness first hand,” my mother, the Queen of Marren said to Dominick with a kind smile.

“I will leave you alone with your family, and then we shall speak later,” he said, coming close to me.

“I will come back with you,” I said to him.

“But–” Dominick started.

“Unless you do not want me to come back with you?”

“No, of course, you are always welcome.”

“Meria?” I turned to see Edmar beside Coral, my sister. He looked at me with pain in his eyes.

“Hello, Edmar,” I said, moving even closer to Dominick. Dominick looked down at me, then at Edmar.

“Is this your betrothed?” he whispered in my ear.

“Yes, he was.”

Edmar came to swim right in front of me.

“You left, and I had no idea,” he said.

“Edmar, I will not marry you. You are a nice mer; however, we are not compatible. I should have never had my father choose my match.”

“I have had time to think about it. If this has to do with the children thing, I am okay with having more.”

“No. It has to do with me–and you. I do not love you, Edmar.”

His face looked shocked. Then he looked at Dominick.

“You love this human?”


“She does not have to answer to you. You are no longer her betrothed, so swim away,” Dominick nearly growled at Edmar.

“I see–well then, if there is nothing I can do to change your mind.”

“No, there is not. Goodbye, Edmar.”

I turned to look at my startled siblings’ faces. Rina had tears in her eyes.

“I love you, Meria. I hope you are always happy, even if it is with a human.”