Page 95 of Sea's Secret

“I do not drink, Meria–but you are thoughtful, aren't you, my little mermaid?” Dominick said with a saucy grin and a wink.

I felt my cheeks darken.

“What is it?” Sands asked.

“The sea serpents; they bit him.”


“Were there any in the hull?”

“A few, but the crew got them.”

“It seems, not before they were bitten.”

Sands turned and walked away. “I will tell the others.”

“Tell them to use the rum to numb the pain–as it will get rather painful.”

“And the hot poker?”

“That is to seal up the wounds.”

There were many poisonous creatures living in the sea, so many of the mer had knowledge of their poisons. The wounds needed to be cleaned and sealed. The rum was something I knew from our journey that helped to ease the pain of so many sailors.

“You are so warm–so soft–so lovely,” Dominick said, his head bobbing to the side.

“You are very poisoned.”

“I have been through worse.”

“Have you?” I asked. I didn't want to take advantage of his intoxicated state, but I wanted to know about him, about the secrets he held onto so tightly.

“I have, but you have not; you are pure and good, untouched by the evil and pains of this world.”

“I have had pain,” I said, taking note of each wound. I counted ten in groups of two. The skin about his legs was turning a sickly yellow. I didn't have time to waste.

“I am going to get the poison out.”

I like the poison; it helps the cursed pain–it is nearly gone.”

“I am so sorry, Dominick,” I said as tears dripped from my eyes. He reached down with his gloved hand and wiped at my tears.

“Do not shed tears for me, beautiful,” he whispered in such a sweet voice, I wanted to memorize it.

“I am going to heal you.”

“Okay, but it is a shame–”

“This poison is not real freedom from the pain, Dominick–only temporary.”

He nodded.

I moved my body to sit on the floor. I cried very carefully over the wounds so they were sure to catch my tears. Minute after minute dragged on, but as I reached the final two puncture wounds to heal them, my head started to feel fuzzy again from the effects of my healing.

“Dominick?” I asked, looking into his eyes. He still seemed dazed, his head lulled to the side.

“Yes, beautiful,” he said with a smirk.