“Even still–what if it wraps one of those arms around you?”
“Kaia does not like humans; mermaids are of no interest to her.”
“How do you know? What if–” I could not let her go. She had already saved me twice. I owed her so much.
She got out of bed, a little wobbly.
“You need rest.”
“If it's Kaia, we don't have much time,” she said, moving to the door. “Prepare your men for a mermaid among them.” I followed her out the door. As much as I wanted to keep her safe, she knew the sea better than I did.
“I am coming with you.”
“Absolutely not.” She stopped and turned to look at me.
“She is not here for me; she is here for you. Kaia was spelled to protect magical beings from humans, Dominick. You would die in those waters. I am a mer; really, I will be fine.”
“Captain! The ship is starting to sink!” a sailor called.
I looked at Meria, who looked as if she were seeking my permission. I sighed, and nodded.
“Have all the men meet me on deck, now,” I growled, and Meria walked to the helm.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Iwalked to the leeward side of the ship and looked down. It was pretty incredible to see her in person. I had only heard stories about her. She was magnificent. It was said that Mother Ocean and the Creator gave life to the mermaids to help watch over the animals of the seas. I was not afraid of Kaia; I stood in awe of her. We all had a purpose in the world. Even the sharks from the night before were only doing as they were made to do: protect and eat.
“Kaia,” I whispered into the sea breeze, letting it humm in the air. I turned one last time to see Dominick talking with the crew; then I dove into the sea. The cool, salty waters engulfed me, embraced me, and welcomed me. I took a few moments to enjoy my home before I swam under the boat. I made my way around her huge body, searching for her eyes. After a few minutes, I saw them. Each eye was the size of a dolphin.
“Kaia–” I called to her. She turned a little as if wanting to get a better look at me. As the ship was in her grasp, I did not want her moving much, so I swam right in front of her so she could see me.
I sang to her:
Kaia, defender of the oceans;
Kaia, blessed daughter of the sea–
I sang a song of peace and love, and I saw Kaia’s eyes focus upon me. As I continued to lure her into a sense of peace with the movement of the sea’s currents, her tentacles began to slip into the water. The bottom of the ship, which was where her large body was still attached, was the last part she held to. Her eyes seemed to cloud over as I came closer and sang more about peace and rest. Finally, after what seemed hours, Kaia released her grip on the ship and sank down into the water. I darted away from each of her huge tentacles as they swung wide in the water after dropping from the vessel. I swam quickly away as her body released the hull completely, causing the ship to bob up and down. After making sure Kaia was gone, I raced to the surface and popped out of the water. I looked around for a line to pull myself back onto the ship when I saw over a dozen sets of eyes upon me from the railings of the ship.
“She defeated the beast!” Sands called, and there arose a cheer, louder even than the crashing waves against the ship.
“Our own magical mermaid to protect us on our journey!” I heard Prince Peter call out as I wrapped the rope around my waist and was pulled up. I tried to straighten my shirt over my tail so when my legs emerged, it would cover me properly enough for human eyes. I heard the gasps as they saw my turquoise tail before it changed.
As I reached the deck of the ship, Dominick was there. He wrapped his arms around my waist.
“None of you are to speak a single word about her–about this–to anyone. Do you hear me?” Dominick growled at the smiling crew. It was hard to focus on his words when he held me so close to him. I clung to him, though. I was drained from once again singing my song and from the use of my magic. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my face into his shoulder. He lifted me up, bracing my weight against him.
There was silence, and I opened my eyes, taking in the crew, Sands, and Prince Peter.
The crew nodded, almost in unison; it was so surprising.
“If anyone even thinks about saying anything, you will be gutted like a fish and meet your end in the fathoms, after you meet my hand!”
“Of course, Captain. Thank you, Meria, for saving us,” Prince Peter said with a bow.
I looked up to see the rest of the crew also giving me a bow, following their Prince’s example. I was grateful for him. He told his crew, when they had come down to try to break him out of his cell, that he demanded, as their prince, that they obey Captain Nick, The Cruel Hand. Peter loved his brother, and I knew Dominick loved Peter.