Page 67 of Sea's Secret

“You wanted to see me?” I glanced up at Sands who held Peter's hands behind his back, and Peter looked the worse-for-wear. Of course, he would be, having been held as a prisoner took a toll.

“Yes. You are rescuing someone from Pixie Isle?” I asked.

“I hoped so, but I am no longer in control of this ship,” Peter said.

“Yes, well, we have arrived at the first island, which I believe is Pixie Isle, and I am impressed that you did not attempt to escape or get any of your crew to kill me.”

“I do not want you dead, and I do not care who is captain of this ship as long as I can rescue Gwendolyn; that is my mission.”

“Why would you not wish me dead?” I asked.

“You are my brother–and, believe it or not, I have missed you.”

“Well, I am not anyone to miss–or look up to.”

“I do not know about that. You seem like a good captain. You got us here faster than I had planned.” He paused. “Are you letting me go?”

I was planning on it. No matter my past, no matter my reputation, I never wanted to continue on in that way. Veeto was cruel, and I had no wish to continue in his footsteps. Meria helped me realize that. Perhaps, there is a better way for me.

“I am letting you complete your mission. Take a group of men, your captain included, and I will drop you off on Pixie Isle, and I will return in around five days.”

“That should, hopefully, be plenty of time to find her. I hear the island is small; time is different there.”

“I am still the captain of this ship. If the crew does not follow my orders, they will be disposed of. Make that clear to them.”

Peter nodded.

“You know, this ship is a Walden ship.”

“Of course, I know that,” I said impatiently.

“You were always meant to be the captain. Perhaps, the Ancients helped you find your true ship.”

“What do you mean? I imprisoned you and stole this ship.”

“You are Walden’s Crown Prince, so this ship is more yours than anyone else's, even more than it is mine.”

I stood there, dumbfounded. Peter should have hated me, especially after spending the last five nights in the ship’s prison. Yet, he was being kind. He was standing there, telling me that I was the Crown Prince and that the ship was rightfully mine. Why? He was a better man than I would ever be. I was proud of him and happy that he had lived a better life than I had.

I nodded, not sure what to say to that.

Sands smiled at me, but I did not have the mental energy to decipher why he was smiling. He led Peter from the room.

“Keep an eye on him!” I called out.

“Will do, Cap! Also, Meria slept poorly last night; she's in pain.” Sands turned around and winked.

Although I hated that he knew that before I did, I knew what that comment meant. I needed to go help Meria. I could take away any pain she had, and I would. I jumped up to find her.

Chapter Twenty-Four


There was a crick in my neck that I tried not to complain about, but I thought that Peter could see it in my face. I sat on the ground beside his cell, early the next morning after the busy evening the night before.

“How are you, Meria?” Peter asked.

“I am fine. I slept a little poorly, and my neck hurts. But your situation is much worse. I am sorry; I should not complain.”