“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I crave the sea. It is, possibly, another reason why I cannot sleep. I may need to submerge myself at least once a week.”
“That will be more difficult than you might think,” he said quickly.
“Even still, I need it.”
“I will think of what to do. You do not wish for everyone to know you are a mermaid, right?”
“I do not think so?” I questioned.
“We should keep it to ourselves as long as possible; I do not want any additional unwanted attention directed toward you.”
“Captain–I apologize,” Richard said from behind me, and I turned to see him wet and dripping on the deck, coughing.
“Did I not express when we arrived that she was not to be touched?” Dominick shouted.
“You did, Captain.”
“Did it appear when you offered your attention that she wanted more?”
“No, Captain.”
“Do not ever touch a maiden without her permission, ever again. And if by chance you do touch a maiden, pull away immediately when she does not return your affection,” he spat at Richard with a growl.
“Yes, Captain.”
Dominick looked once at me, then back at Richard.
“Do not touch her. She is mine.”
Richard nodded.
“Now, in the morning, you will swab the deck till I can see my reflection in the wood,” he commanded.
Then he looked up. There were a few men about. He turned to them all and shouted, “This maiden is mine, and no one is to touch her, but me!” he shouted.
There was a crazy fluttering in my heart at all this mentioning of being Dominick’s, twice in such a short amount of time. He had called me his mermaid before–so it should not have felt so wonderful, but it did. I could not explain it. That was something that had never happened with Edmar.
“Yes, Captain,” the men said with a salute.
“Get out of my face,” Dominick said, motioning for them to get back to their tasks.
He walked up to me, “May I show the men that you are mine, Meria?” he whispered in a grave tone, his breath heavy and hot upon my ear.
“I thought you did not want to ruin my reputation? Whatever that means.”
“I am afraid this may be the only way. If you are the lover of The Cruel Hand, I am sure this problem will end immediately.” His eyes were burning.
“Lover?” Is that like being betrothed, but not officially? I wondered.
“Yes, lover,” he nodded. “If I do anything you are uncomfortable with, say so–or push me away, and I will stop, alright?”
I nodded, confused at what was to come, but excited, just the same. In the next instant, he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in the nape of my neck, the scruff of his beard, burning my flesh in a pleasing way. He pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth, and I collapsed into his arms. Lightness and warmth coated me as his lips pressed against my skin even for the small second it was there. He picked me up in his arms and walked down the hallway to his quarters, then passed by his door and stopped at my room.
“Sorry about the show,” he said, setting me down in front of the door. “It is for your own good that they think we are a couple,” he said. I pulled down Dominick's shirt, the one that I was still wearing. His gaze landed on my legs, then moved up to my face.
“I understand; it is probably the best idea. Thank you.”