Page 61 of Sea's Secret

“Why is this so funny?”

“The Cruel Hand–does not have a cruel heart,” Sands said, and before I could strike him down, he ran away to the lower deck.

I sighed. I needed to be alone–nothing but the wind and sea and with the wheel in my hands.

Chapter Twenty-Two


The sea was almost a different creature entirely when aboard the ship. The ship seemed to glide across the water as effortlessly as any sea creature. The breeze was salty, and it reminded me so much of my home. I wanted so badly to dive beneath the surface and fill my lungs with the salty water I missed. I ached everywhere, and I knew that I needed to go into the water soon.

I was sleeping in a room that was near the captain's quarters. It was a beautiful room with lush, rich, blue fabrics and beautiful, carved details on every surface. I wondered what Dominick’s room was like. I enjoyed sleeping on the ship better than I did in the cave because on the ship, there was constant movement, but I missed Dominick. It was a strange thing, perhaps, but I had become comfortable sleeping beside him. I even missed comforting him in the night when he had nightmares.

Does he still have those nightmares?

I reflected on the last night we had spent on Marren Island. He had let me sleep pressed up against him, and he had rocked me to sleep.

How can that Dominick from Marren Island also be The Cruel Hand?

It did not make sense to me. That Dominick would not have stolen a ship and placed his brother in the dungeons. He did express that he would have to play the part–pretend to be a pirate.

Is this that? It has to be.

After speaking with Peter a handful of times, I realized that he was a very kind human. I wanted him freed.

Peter was angry at first to be held prisoner, but he had decided to wait his brother out.

I moved from the bed and walked to the door, pausing for a moment, touching the wooden frame. I wondered if it was wise to leave my room during the late evening hours?

Everyone will be asleep, I argued with myself.

It was the middle of the night; I would be safe, alone. I opened the door and pressed it closed softly, looking back and forth for any movement. No one was near. I walked past Dominick’s door, seeing a light coming from beneath it.

Does he still have trouble sleeping, here, on the ship? I wondered. I wanted to go in there and speak with him–but Why?

What do I have to converse with him about?

Nothing. I realized that I just wanted to be with him. That was interesting. The only person I had ever truly enjoyed being with was Finn; Was I adding Dominick to that very short list? I shook my head and walked past his door, determined that some fresh, salty air would help me.

“Hey there, maiden, need a night stroll?” I turned to see a man I had not yet met behind me as I stood in a hallway, which led out to the deck.

“I just needed to stretch my legs.”

“Me, too. Can I join you?”

I looked at the man who was wearing a coat and shoes. He seemed kind with his wide smile. His brown, curly hair made his sharper features more endearing, somehow. I did not want company, and I decided that I did not like that strange smile on his lips as he waited for my response. Even though I did not want it, I found myself agreeing. I had always had guards following me around in Marren. I was used to silent company, and I suppose that's what I thought that sailor would be. I would keep a distance, and be clear that it was nothing other than a walk.

Dominick didn’t need to know that I was falling into my old habits of being agreeable.

“Sure,” I said. He came to stand beside me as we walked to the deck. Even at night, there were a few others on deck, keeping a watchful eye on the ocean and the ship.

“Have you ever been on a ship before?” the man asked.


“How do you like it so far?”

“It’s nice.”