Page 45 of Sea's Secret

“Of course, I will tell no one.” He paused, and I watched as he played with the sand, letting it pile in his palm before spreading his fingers wide to let it pour out. He did it again and again. The sight of his hands and arms, even the part of his chest that was exposed, was familiar to me, then, even with the strange black veins, dark under his skin. I looked at his face, which was focused on the sand, when he asked: “So, there really are mermaids?”

“There is an entire underwater kingdom. My people don’t know that we can have legs when on land. This island, I believe, used to be where we lived long ago when we transformed into our human form. But no mer has come out of the sea since the Great War–other than my mother; at least, I believe she has. My people need help. The lights of Marren are dimming, and I am afraid that without replacing them, my people will be engulfed in complete darkness–and the horrible things which are beginning to happen to the merpeople will become universal and destroy us all.” I tried not to think about the horrible things happening to my people.

“I am sure the people aboard this rescue ship can help you get to Walden and find your mother.”

“I was hoping you could help me.”

“I am grateful for your rescue, Meria, and for the company here–and the ship that will rescue us, but I do have things I must take care of.”

“Yes–like finding your sister. I know, and I can help. If you thought that mermaids were just legends, that means you have heard some old stories, and in those old tales, it was told that the Misted Seas could not be crossed without the assistance of a magical sea creature–and I am that creature. You need me.”

“While, yes, I have heard the legends, why would you do such a thing for me?”

“I mean, you are very kind and have helped me so much.”

“Sure, but what is in it for you? You seem the kind of person who can be easily used because you are so–” He paused and looked at me thoughtfully.

“I am so–what?”

“Quiet–shy, possibly? I have not decided yet, but instead of using you, people should keep you safe.” He whispered that last word, and it sent a tingle through me. “The Misted Seas are not safe, Meria.”

“No, not for humans without a sea creature. You need me, and how did you–why do you believe that I’ve been used?”

“You are reserved, kind, and accommodating. You apologize far too much. The wrong people will exploit that.”

“You have not.”

“If given the opportunity, I would, Meria, which is another reason why you should stay as far away from me as possible. I am not a good man.”

“Yes, you are. A bad human would not have helped me.”

“Maybe, but I am still not—good.”

“Dominick, you are right. My father used me. I was always obedient. I didn’t follow my own heart, ever. I did all he asked of me. He matched me with a merman, who I did not love, and I would have married him and never risen from the sea, but when this merman kissed me–” I touched my lips.

“Kissed you?” Dominick interrupted, startled, looking from the waves and over to me.

I felt my cheeks get hot and nodded. “Humans kiss, also?” I asked

“Yes—humans do,” he said slowly, his voice deep.

“Yes, it was nothing, only a simple kiss, and it turns out that my sisters lied when they said that kisses are magical,” I shrugged. “And truly, kisses are not as spectacular as everyone seems to think they are.”

“Sounds like he did an excellent job of kissing you,” he grunted, his words dripping in obvious sarcasm, which made me smile. “You need the kiss of a real man.”

“A man? Do you think humans kiss differently?”

“Yes,” he said with a shrug. His word was confident, but his shrug made him appear unsure. Why I felt the need to spill out all my life problems to him, I did not understand, but once I began, I could not stop.

“It was nothing special,” I said. “Then he said that he did not want any children–and I love children. Those two things made me think that maybe my father did not know what was best for me, after all. Everything else about Marren, and my entire world shook apart after that. And now, I have discovered that mer can be human, too.”

“Those are two rather large things to have differing opinions on. I assume your fiance enjoyed the kiss?”

“He did say that he did.”

Dominick nodded. “And, of course, you love children; that suits you–kind, sweet, way too soft to be out here in this world. If you were in my world, Meria, it would ruin your goodness and sweetness. All the sweet and gentle things that you are would become hard and jagged,” Dominick said with a grunt, scratching his jaw. “I can see why your father tried to protect you.” He paused. “Although he didn’t protect you, did he? He placed you in a prison, and prisons don’t keep us safe.”

“It was not a prison. I lived in a palace.”