I splashed water in his face, and he laughed.
“But seriously, come into the water all the way, and see if you get your tail back again.”
I stepped deeper into the waves, feeling a peace engulf me as I walked further and further into the waves, causing the almost dry fabric of Dominick’s clothing to become wet.
“Anything yet?” Finn asked.
“No,” I said, shaking my head. I walked in deeper and deeper, and then I felt it as I was submerged to my waist.
Slowly, my two legs and feet merged together, becoming my teal tail again. I dove under the water with a smile. I breathed in the water and let it soak inside of me. The surface was beautiful and mysterious, but I had, dearly, missed the sea. It felt so wonderful. I swam toward Finn.
“That is so easy,” Finn said as I popped out before him. “You'd think it would require more.”
“I cannot tell you how much I missed the sea, even though it was only one day,” I said with a smile. Finn splashed my face. I splashed him back. “Finn, if I need to travel to Walden, you need to help get us rescued.”
“How do you believe I can manage that?” he asked.
“All you have to do is lead the humans, a human ship, to us. You know that no human can find Marren Island without the help of a mer.”
“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll search for a ship from Walden. I am familiar with their flag. If I place bits of the wrecked ship in the water, like a trail, maybe they will follow it.”
“The human was worried about the people on board his ship. Do you know if any of the humans died?”
“A few died, but most of them survived; they had some smaller boats to save them.”
“Meria?” I heard a shout from the shore and went back under the water.
“He's here!” I exclaimed to Finn with my melody.
“Go then. You need him to be your friend, right?”
“Well, yes, but I am not ready for him to know I am a mermaid till I know him better.”
“Are you sure he did not see your tail?”
“No, I woke up before him, and I was already human,” I said, shaking my head and biting my lip.
Finn popped his head out of the water, then came back down.
“He went away,” he sang.
I popped my head out and saw that he was no longer on the beach. Finn moved up beside me.
“Hurry up before he comes back,” he said, poking my back. I nodded and swam up onto the shore and pulled myself out of the water until my entire tail was out of the sea. In a few minutes, my tail disappeared, and my new legs and feet appeared. I stood and watched Finn wave to me, before diving under the sea.
“Ah, there you are–” I turned to see Dominick, walking toward me. “You had a swim?” he asked, and I looked down at his clothing, which I wore. It was wet and stuck to my body.
“Yes,” I said as he reached me.
“I found a cave. It’s actually really close–and empty, so I think it will be a safe place for the night. There is also a small pool, where the stream feeds into it, near the cave, and we can draw water there.”
I nodded.
“I think I can catch some fish if you can look for some wood for a fire?” he asked.
I nodded, not exactly sure where wood could be found.