Page 41 of Above Cursed Winds

Within minutes, they were canvasing the area for damage. Several downed trees peppered the walkways, and a few had crashed into houses, but the losses were minimal, all things considered. On the way back to her home, Zia savored the time in the sky, closing her eyes and simply flying.

“You’re spectacular, Z.”

A note of appreciation lingered beneath his tone, an awestruck reverence that hinted at something much deeper. But, given his latest trick, she couldn’t read his features to determine the true nature of his compliment.

“How can you see me when we’re invisible?”

“Perks of being an all-powerful air Elemental.”

She rolled her eyes. “Before Hawaii was settled by humans, I could fly whenever I wanted. Now, I have to go when visibility is low, so I never get to see the island in the light anymore.” She sighed. “I miss it.”

“Well, fortunately, you have your own personal Invisibility cloak in the form of an Elemental.” A kiss of wind brushed over her feathers, and she had the distinct feeling that he’d done it purposefully.

“My invisibility cloak is only on temporary loan.”

With that, Zia dropped out of the air like a bullet, tucking her wings tightly into her body as she shot toward the ground.


Jeremiah’s call came too late, a moment after she’d realized her mistake.

Gale force winds slammed into her. She’d breached the bubble of protection Jeremiah had secured around them. Her wings flared out to catch her rapid descent. The gusts blasted against her feathers. Zia lost the battle and was spun in the whirlwind. It hurtled her body off course, and a cry of shock escaped her.

At this rate, she’d end up crashing into the unforgiving rock of the shoreline. Raeths were strong, but her bones would most definitely break on impact.

She tried to lock on a location. Another violent current threw her and made it impossible to teleport.

Bracing for impact, Zia’s wings snapped back into her body. The hollow bones were far more prone to breakage than those of her body. Curling into a ball, she held her breath as the ground became closer and closer.

This was going to hurt.

Chapter Twenty

Jeremiah had never flown so fast before. When Zia had dropped out of his protective sphere, she’d opened herself up to the unforgiving updrafts, the currents that registered close to hurricane speeds.

When her wings disappeared and she curled into a ball, his heart dropped. Terror stabbed his chest as he heard her cry and surrender herself to the inevitable pain of impact. Throwing out his hands, the air around her stilled moments before she’d have hit the ground, then blew up to push her into his outstretched arms.


“I’ve caught you,” he purred, clutching her trembling body to him as the air around them gained a soothing warmth that countered her recent turbulent descent. “I’ve got you, Z.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m such a fool! I shouldn’t have dropped away.”

He melted at her apology, a sinking feeling dropping into his stomach. “Z, it wasn’t your fault. The air feels calm around me. It’s easy to forget.”

She nodded, her nose brushing the sensitive skin of his neck. Treacherous desire pumped through his bloodstream, beckoning him to hold her closer, and kiss her fear away. Every cell in his body drove him to comfort and protect her as though they were tied together with an invisible string.

It took only a minute to get them back to Zia’s home, and he touched down onto the ground as lightly as possible. She didn’t squirm for release, instead snuggling even closer in his arms.

The chemistry between them was undeniable. Everywhere their skin touched, electricity tingled at the contact. It was unlike anything he’d ever felt before.

She was unlike anyone he’d ever met before.

When their eyes finally met, hers sent a clear message: gratitude, appreciation, apology. His were hooded with fierce desire.

Before he could adjust his hold, her lips crushed to his, claiming his mouth. A fire lit beneath Jeremiah’s skin, churning with a need to both possess her completely and cherish everything she offered.

He responded to her instantly, tightening his arms around her. She deepened the kiss, demanding he submit. But Jeremiah had never been a pushover, and he growled in response to her unspoken claim.