Chapter Fifteen
For the first time in ages, Zia awoke to the savory smell of bacon. Her mouth watered instantly. She groggily blinked the sleep from her eyes before curling tighter into her warm blanket cocoon. Sleep outweighed breakfast, even if it smelled like absolute heaven.
But then she realized that Myko might be using the electric griddle by himself.
It wouldn’t be the first time he’d tried to make her breakfast in bed. Only a year ago, he’d burned a hole in their countertops trying to make her pancakes, and though he had been unharmed and she’d fixed the top, the cabinet below it still sported a lovely blackened spot as tribute to his touching idea.
Vaulting out of bed, Zia teleported into the kitchen, her eyes wide and arms ready to begin batting out flames. What she saw wasn’t her Boo making breakfast.
It was Jeremiah.
The Elemental brandished a spatula and tongs like a lightsaber-wielding Jedi. He was standing before a griddle filled with an impressive variety of bacon and breakfast potatoes, with a stack of buttermilk pancakes already on the side.
His eyes, though, weren’t on his cooking. His attention was riveted to her long legs, barely covered by the long, oversized T-shirt she wore to bed.
Blushing furiously, Zia scrambled for a response. “I—I thought Myko might be trying to burn the house down.”
“Nope, it’s just me trying to burn the house down.”
His cheerful grin remained as he flipped a stray piece of bacon, prompting her to speak into the following silence. “What are you doing?”
“Well,” another flip on the griddle, “bacon typically needs to be cooked before it can be consumed, but if you’re game to try it raw, I’ll humor you.”
“No, I mean why? Why are you making breakfast? Where did you get all this food?”
“I gutted the wild boar this morning and harvested the potatoes last night.” Somehow, Jeremiah managed to keep a straight face. “But the pancakes put up a wild fight. Those flapjacks can certainly land a punch or two when threatened.”
“They got one over on you, huh? Do you require healing?”
“Only my pride was irreparably injured.”
He looked heartbreakingly handsome when he continued, “Seemed like someone should do something nice for you. Myko said you’re always doing something for everyone else, but no one ever returns the favor.”
When had been the last time someone did something for her? Nero, certainly, was always going out of his way to aid her, but he was her sovereign, and he did that for all his subjects. Her clansmen, and the people who looked to her for leadership rarely—if ever—did something for her out of gratitude. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time any of them even said thank you.
There had been that beautiful surprise the day before—the one Jeremiah had done.
“Plus, I figured Fruit Loops were out given your hysterics yesterday.”
“My hysterics?”
A bemused taunt hid beneath her words as Zia teleported more appropriate clothes onto her frame. The long t-shirt was replaced by a pair of skinny jeans and a short-sleeved Henley.
Startled, Zia caught his eye. “What?”
He gestured to her clothing swap, a wicked grin parting his lips. “No need to change on my account. Wasn’t bothering me at all.”
Zia frowned.
“Oh please. It’s no secret you’re stunning. I doubt I’m the first to speak up.” When she said nothing, he patted the chair just next to him. “Sit. Let me feed you for a change.”
She did as he bid, gently tucking her legs under the counter to appease the Elemental. His attention returned to the griddle, pulling off long, perfectly sizzled bacon that made her mouth water.
“Should I go get Myko?”
Zia shook her head. “No. I typically let him sleep in on Saturdays.”