Page 53 of Thrones We Steal

“You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

My face grows hotter at the insinuation. “You flatter yourself. If I was enjoying myself, you would know it.” My denial is nothing but a dying man’s attempt at survival, but necessary all the same.

“In that case, we could have another go at it and you could tell me what you like this time.”

“Or we could both go jump into a volcano.”

Not even at the point of death will I admit how badly I want to do that again. My lips still throb with the memory of his, and the homesick ache twists through me.

I miss him and he’s standing right in front of me.

A knock sounds on the door and I remember where I am. It’s followed by Henry’s secretary sticking his head into the room. “Mr. Beckham Harrison is here for your appointment, sir.”

Panic shoots through me.

Henry meets my eyes for a few seconds, then turns back to his secretary. “Give me a second.”

Sidney nods and closes the door again.

“You did this on purpose,” I seethe and point my finger at him. “You knew he was coming, and you wanted to play some sick game with my head.”

“And what game was that?” He folds his arms over his chest.

“Whatever manipulative tricks you play on women.”

“I dare you to find one woman who says I tricked her into spending time with me.”

“You’re looking at one.”

He sighs. “If I told you I forgot he was coming, would you believe me?”

“Not a chance in hell.” I comb my fingers through my hair, trying to undo the havoc Henry’s wreaked, hands that still make me tremble to think about.

“Relax, C. You don’t even look like you just had an earth-shattering experience. Here, let me at least help repair the damage I did.”

He reaches out a hand, but I bat him away. “Stay away from me.”

“Calm down. I just want to help.”

“Give me a break. I know what your help looks like.”

He leans close and whispers, “Your lips are swollen.”

I grit my teeth and take a deep breath through my nose. “There is not strong enough language in the world to convey how much I loathe you.”

“Then please don’t overexert yourself trying.”

He pulls a small mirror from one of his desk drawers and holds it in front of me.

“Do I even want to know why you have this in your desk?” I use my reflection to tame fly-aways.

“Do you always think the worst of me?”

I look at him above the mirror. His tone is light, unaffected, but his eyes tell a different story.

Before I can respond, he calls to Sidney. I use the remaining few seconds to smooth down my dress and put as much distance between myself and Henry as possible. I pray I’ll be able to slip out without any awkwardness.

Beck enters the room and his eyes light on me. He covers his surprise quickly, but not before I catch a glimpse of it.