Page 100 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

My words die as my skin ignites in flame, pain slicing through my flesh in an instant, searing every nerve ending. The burn is unbearable, and I have no defenses left, save for my shrill screams.

Just as quickly as the coat of fire arrived, it vanishes.

I stare at my smooth, uncharred flesh, my hands shaking. The stench of singed hair fills the air, but when I paw at my head, soft strands meet my touch.

Did I imagine that? Malachi was skilled at playing mind games—one moment Elijah lay in his tomb, the next he did not.

But Lady Saoirse has abandoned all pretenses of pleasure, gaping at me in horror. Whether she saw the flames as I did or not, surely, she heard my screams. My throat is raw.

“You were saying?” Challenge sparkles in Malachi’s eyes.

“Yes, Your Highness.” I reach behind me for the fastener at the top of my dress.

With a grin of satisfaction, Malachi flips Lady Saoirse over onto her hands and knees and reenters her as I disrobe.



Zander pauses, inked quill in hand. “How did I get roped into writing letters to Ybarisan nobility I have never met?”

“I haven’t met them either.” I pop a raspberry into my mouth. I can’t remember the last time I ate. The castle came awake as soon as word spread that Queen Romeria had returned, with lady’s maids rushing to prepare a bath and meal. “Plus, you’re so much better and faster at it than I am.” Writing that letter to Atticus took me forever.

“Flattery might get you somewhere with me.” He smirks. “Anything else you’d like to add?”

“Depends.” I pause in my pacing to admire the castle spires from the window of Neilina’s chambers. “What have I said?”

“That Queen Neilina is dead, and you are the crowned ruler of Ybaris. You have allied with Islor to defeat the Nulling’s beasts and Islor’s impostor king, who will bring ruin and suffering to all.”

“Do I need to add something about expecting their fealty and all that other stuff?” I wave a dismissive hand.

“As Ybaris’s queen, it is implied.”

I shrug. “Okay. Then I guess I have nothing to add.”

His eyebrow arches. “Nothing at all to help bolster your people’s confidence in you and in our union?”

“Fine. Tell them what a good lay the king of Islor is.”

He leans back in his chair. “I’m glad you are taking this seriously.”

“I am! I just don’t see the point while there’s an actual war going on out there. Everyone’s at the rift, risking their lives, and we’re sitting here, writing letters from this sparkly castle. I mean, the roof literally sparkles.” I point out the window to where lantern light ignited by caster magic reflects off multifaceted rubies and sapphires and diamonds.

“One taste for battle and suddenly she can’t get enough.” He sets down the quill and stands, his expression stony. “Do not underestimate the value of what you have accomplished. What you will accomplish.” He rounds the desk. “Islor was facing not only a civil war but also one with our neighboring realm. You ended both.”

“And now we’re fighting a war against fucking monsters, and you’ve lost your throne.”

“I had already lost my throne, remember?”

“Yeah, I remember. To your brother, because of me.”

He collects my chin between his thumbs and forefingers. “And if I had to endure it all over again, I would make the same choice.” He leans in to brush his lips against mine. “Just this morning, Mordain’s Prime was executing scribes and cutting off support from the casters. So, you devised a brilliant plan and went in there on your own—”

“With Solange’s help.”

“—saving them all—”

“Not all.”