“I think that says a lot, don’t you?” Though it might have more to do with the corpse at the table with them.
“I would not waste time with this one, Your Highness,” Solange warns, and I know it’s as much a reminder of Fatima’s ability to hold the Masters in place—the glow in her eyes is waning.
If Zander were here, his sword would be aiming for the Prime’s neck. But, despite everything, I can’t bring myself to reach for a dagger. “You can either take off that ring, or we can remove it from your body. You decide.” I hold out my hand, palm up.
The Prime glares at her Second. “History will name you as Mordain’s downfall.”
“That’s funny, I thought I was going to be Mordain’s downfall,” I quip.
“Only if you hold the quill, Lorel. But you will not be here to witness it either way,” Solange sneers, drawing her sword. Her arm is poised to swing down when suddenly she drops to her knees, the weapon clattering to the stone. Blood blossoms on her skin like tiny drops of sweat—first a few, then a few more, and then too many to count. Whatever she is doing, she is killing Solange.
I blast the Prime with a silver coil of my affinities. Not with the same rage I felt for Boaz, which incinerated him and everything in his surroundings. Just enough to see the look on her face as her heart stops and her body collapses in a sickening thud. I rush to where Solange lies.
“Took you long enough.” She pants, her face coated in a layer of her own blood as if someone painted her in it.
“You need healing.”
“Later.” She pulls herself up off the floor, grimacing in pain. “Right now, we must get the scribes and Allegra out of here before your beloved burns down every cottage out there in his impatience to know you are safe.” Solange nods to the two guards still holding the limp casters. “Take them to the port. Three Shadows will transport them to Argon, where they can be healed.” But the mask of worry on her face as she regards her counterpart is troubling.
“Master Shadow,” Fatima calls out. One glance at her shows her eyes back to their plain green.
I shield myself in an instant and turn to face the guild head-on, letting them see my silver eyes.
But the Masters remain where they are, none in a hurry to attack.
“Go, now!” Solange barks, and the guards leave.
“Your Highness,” the wispy-haired caster who watched me curiously before, calls out. “They will need special healing for their injuries. I can provide that, if you will allow it.”
“Thank you, Master Healer Brigitta.” Solange’s eyes flicker to me, giving an almost indistinguishable nod. The healer is telling the truth. “You will accompany me to Argon. And if the three Islorians with us sense that your goal is not genuine, they will tear your spine from your body.”
The healer’s face pales.
I stifle the urge to shake my head at Solange’s words—only Abarrane would do that—as I bend down and gingerly slip off the gold band from the Prime’s finger. The Ring of Minerva is as unremarkable as Agatha suggested. No stones, no gleam, nothing to suggest it’s the most prized trophy on this island of caster power. I tuck it into my pocket for safekeeping.
Solange’s attention swings to a cowering Cahill, pressed against the wall. Her jaw sets with determination.
“He’s coming to Ulysede with us.” I step in front of him, forming a barrier.
“Male elementals are dangerous,” she warns.
“You’ve been saying the same about key casters for two thousand years.”
“And look what has happened.” But the corner of her mouth curves in a smile. With her bloodied face, it looks sinister.
Despite towering over me, Cahill somehow shrinks.
“We don’t kill people for being born a certain way. Not anymore. That must change.”
After a pause, she offers a dip of her head. “As you wish, Your Highness.”
“Come on, Cahill. Agatha is waiting for you.”
“Excuse me, Your Highness?” His voice is low but timid. “Do you think I might need the necklace Master Scribe gave me?”
The one she must have used to hide his elemental caster affinities, just as Sofie hid mine from me and everyone else with that ring.
“He’s only bound within Nyos,” another caster, one with downcast lips and eyes too close to each other, confirms. “Once he leaves Mordain, he will have access to his affinities.”