The great wall approaches ahead, solid and foreboding. “We must pace ourselves for the scribe’s slowness,” Solange says without looking back, halving her speed. “How is the mood in Nyos?”


“I heard there were executions.”

“Yes. Scribes. There will be more in the morning. It was announced not long ago.”

“What reason does the Prime give?” Solange is pumping this young Shadow for information, and the girl is happy to share it.

“They are saying the scribes have betrayed Mordain and have joined forces with Islor.”

“Who is saying that?”

“The Prime herself. She declared it from the height of the tower, for all to hear. Is it true?” she asks Solange, but she turns her head to glance at me.

“No, it is not true,” I blurt before Solange can answer.

“Queen Neilina is not dead?” There’s hopefulness in Fatima’s voice.

I sigh. “No, that part is true. But the scribes had nothing to do with it.” Not directly, anyway.

“The Master Scribe is rather chatty for someone about to face severe judgment for her crimes,” Solange warns.

I clamp my lips shut.

“The only caster to betray Mordain is the Prime herself, and it is for ignoring Queen Neilina’s own treachery when she ordered Caster Ianca to summon Aoife on her behalf,” Solange explains, laying the accusation bare on the table.

Fatima gasps. “Do the Masters know?”

“We shall soon see, won’t we?”

“The Prime claims the Ybaris throne has been stolen.”

“It cannot be stolen if the heir to Ybaris has claimed it.”

“Do you mean Princess Romeria is still alive?” There’s unrestrained hope in her tone, like a child, seconds from squealing with excitement. I’m having a hard time believing this young and effervescent girl is also a lethal warrior.

“Queen Romeria is alive, and she is still a pain in the arse.” Solange must be smirking with that dig. “What else has the Prime claimed?”

“That the new queen will be the downfall of Mordain.”

“Do the casters believe this?”

“They have no reason not to, Master Shadow. It is the Prime herself who speaks.” She hesitates. “Is it not true?”

The pause lingers so long that I begin to doubt Solange’s stance. “No, it is not true. If anything, Mordain’s future looks brighter than it has in centuries. As bright as can be under the current circumstances, anyway.”

I can’t help the satisfied grin as we approach the line of Shadows at the wall.

“You are returning for your execution,” Zander reminds me, wiping it from my lips in the next moment.

My insides churn.

“Shadows,” is all Solange says, and as one they stiffen, realizing their leader is back. A unified echo of “Master Shadow” slips from their lips before stepping aside.

Much like the stone walls banking either side of the rift bridge, blocks in this wall begin moving and sliding. I marvel at the impressive process as a passage opens. I can see now why Solange said there was no way in without an invitation.

“Where is the Prime?” she asks.