“Don’t act like you didn’t tell the guards to keep everyone out of the garden tonight.” Otherwise, I would be concerned. Life in Cirilea will never be the same as it was before, but the one thing that hasn’t stopped is the nobility and legionaries fucking in the trees after dinner. There just aren’t any tributaries involved anymore.
“You heard that, did you?” He circles the altar, metal clanging as he casts away his sword and daggers. Unfastening his breeches, he lets them cascade to the ground, kicking them loose. He ends his stroll at the foot of the altar, his honed body and hard length on display for me. “And where is Lucretia?”
Warmth floods my core, being exposed out here in the open like this. “Harassing Jarek.” Though ever since she saved him and Zander from Sofie’s fire, he tolerates her more. I’ve even caught him smiling once or twice at her antics.
Thoughts of my legion commander bring a soreness to my heart. He came to me yesterday, asking for permission to explore Udrel and Espador on his own, to see what he can learn of the realms and search for Caindra, who we haven’t seen since the day she carried us to Ulysede for the last time. For my benefit, he assured me, to learn more Udrel, and seek out any dangers before they can become problems for us. But he avoided my gaze. I can’t help but feel he’s been avoiding me in general. I’m not sure what’s happening with him, but if he needs time away, I’ll release him from his obligations as my commander.
I’ve agreed to transport him through the nymphaeum door to the place where we found Annika but only if he takes Lucretia to guard his side. He’s agreed … reluctantly.
I’ll miss him, but my heart tells me that I need to let him go. Maybe he’ll find his way back to me one day.
“Then we are truly alone.” Zander climbs up onto the altar, his strong hands parting my legs, his palms sliding up my sensitive flesh as he moves into position.
I sigh with the weight of his body settling on mine, and my lips find his in a tantalizing kiss. “Except for the dozens of nymphs who are watching,” I tease. After Annika’s account of Udrel’s mountain and the kaeli who appeared long enough to keep Tyree alive, I pressed Lucretia until she admitted that they live among us, and you never know where they might be or what they might be up to—both good and bad.
“Then I guess we ought not disappoint.” Entwining my hands in his and pinning them down above my head, Zander’s teeth scrape across my neck, biting down gently.
On the slightest breeze, a wisp’s laughter carries.