I’m momentarily distracted by the glowing script that peeks from behind her heavy bang.
We watch as they strip off Tyree’s vest and his tunic, their hands moving for the gaping gash. “What are they?”
She smiles, showing off her oversized front teeth. “They are the light.”
“Welcome back.” Zander lifts my hand to his lips. His armor is gone, as is the enemy’s blood from his skin.
“What time is it?” I croak.
“Evening. You’ve slept for more than a day.”
The sheer rock wall through the window is drenched in the orange glow of a sunset. “We’re in Lyndel?”
“In Lord Telor’s own chamber. Only the best for the Queen for All.” He strokes strands of hair off my forehead.
Someone has undressed me. My crown rests on a nearby night table. “It’s truly over?”
“It is truly over. Everything that ever touched the Nulling has turned to dust. I assume that includes Aoife, wherever she was hiding.”
It also includes my parents and Caindra’s family.
“But Malachi and Sofie were already dead. Who killed them?” I ask, melancholy slipping into my mood as yesterday’s events unfold in my memory. I wish I could have at least spoken to Eddie, had a chance to say goodbye.
“The daaknar killed Malachi. Lucretia released it and then distracted Sofie long enough for the beast to attack.” He shakes his head. “Sofie sent it back to Azo’dem before attempting to heal her husband. I was behind her, my sword ready to swing, but he beat me to it, stabbing her with his cutlass.”
I gasp. “Was it Elijah or Malachi?”
“Elijah. I heard his last words.” His lips purse. “He begged for peace.”
My heart clenches. “In the end, he might have suffered more than anyone else.”
Zander sighs. “All that effort and planning on Malachi’s part, only to be bested by his demon pet.”
It is a poetic—if not anticlimactic—end for the Fate of Fire. And a sad one for Sofie. “You’re telling me that Lucretia is our savior.” Who would have thought?
“She also saved me and Jarek from Sofie’s fire. We would certainly be dead otherwise.”
“Then I owe her everything.” I entwine my fingers in his as I consider Malachi. “How angry do you think Malachi was when he found out he can’t come back through the Nulling?” He couldn’t have known what Aminadav did for us until he returned to his ethereal form.
“Probably as angry as I was when I found out that you lied to me about that horn.” A somber expression passes across Zander’s face. “What did Aminadav tell you?”
I sigh. Elisaf is a traitor. “He gave me a choice. He let me decide who I would sacrifice for the realms, and so I said I would sacrifice myself. He said that was acceptable. But I’m still here.”
“Perhaps the Queen for All’s willingness to die for her people was enough for him. Regardless, we will discuss you keeping secrets from me later.” The smile that stretches across Zander’s face then is lighter than any I have ever seen before. “If you are up to it, there are many people who are asking to see the queen who saved the realms.”
“Shall it be by guillotine? Pyre? Or will you give me more of that terrible tea?” I drawl.
King Cheral chuckles, smoothing a hand over his stomach where the enemy blade cut him. It has long since been healed. “You will wake one morning and wish you had a cup, I promise.”
Behind him, Tuella and Satoria linger, watching with interest as Serenis knits the bones in my leg back together. The moment the casters built the first bridge over a fissure, Kazimir was riding across with her, searching for me. They spotted my armor beneath Bexley’s wing and quickly rounded up men to carry me to Lyndel.