Page 247 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

“The shadow no longer lives in her,” Destry declares, confirming what I already know.

I hurry back to Annika, who has managed to pull herself upright.

“What did she do to me?” She holds up her arms. “It felt like she was leeching every drop of blood from my body.”

I kneel before her. “My mother could not do that. But she’s gone, whoever she was. You are safe.”

Annika peers up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. “You thought she was Queen Neilina when you stabbed her. For me.”

“Yes.” Did she hear what I said just before that, when I was begging for her life?

Her fingertips trace my lips. “Thank you.” She adds after a beat, “Again.”

“I will gladly save your life a thousand times. Ten thousand times.”

A screech sounds.

Destry scurries toward the tunnel. “The wyvern is back! This is our chance.”

“Please let this work so we can get out of this fates-forsaken world,” Annika moans.

Helping her to her feet, we rush to follow.



Beads of sweat drip down my forehead as I battle against this never-ending wall of fire. But Malachi will not relent.

I understand what Vin’nyla meant now when she said his fire burned forever. She meant he would never yield and his well is bottomless.

I will break long before he does, and then he will destroy us all.



Romeria’s face strains with her struggle to shield Lyndel from Malachi’s devastation, even as Ulysede’s crown atop her head glows with a white light.

“How much longer can she hold this?” Fear and despair twists Jarek’s face. I have never seen the legionary reveal either.

Solange shares his worry. “Not forever.”

“We are useless here!” Abarrane scowls at me, and I know what she is suggesting without the need for her to say it out loud.

She is right. If we are to make a difference, we must be on the ground.

Romeria meets my gaze. She must see the reality of our situation. Her nod is barely perceptible, but it’s there. “Go,” she mouths.

My chest constricts. “Elisaf.”

“I will guard her with my life, Your Highness,” he swears.

Sparing her one last look, I bellow, “To the gate!”

