“She did not.”
“She meant to.” He gives my arm an affectionate squeeze.
A lump swells in my throat, thinking about Annika now, about her tragic end. “Let’s get some updates.”
Zander is on the balcony when I arrive in our chamber, dressed in only breeches, his broad shoulders hunched as he leans over the rail. “Anything from the scribes?”
“More of the same. I told Agatha about Kier’s conjurer. She insists we bring her here.”
“She’ll likely dissect her to see what’s inside. I have never met anyone thirstier for knowledge.” He studies a small gold and pearl ring in his hand. “All this effort to get the scribes here, and so far, nothing they have uncovered has helped us in our fight against the fates.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” I press my lips against his bare shoulder, inhaling the scent of lavender soap from our bath. His hair is damp, drying in the sun. “We know what the nymphs will demand if we ask them to close the Nulling, so that option is off the table.” I hesitate. “I was thinking I should fly to Mordain and tell Allegra what we know.”
“Do not tell her of this, Romeria.” Urgency flares in his voice.
“But they should understand what’s at stake, shouldn’t they? And I’m not making any deals with the nymphs!”
“You did not think you would open the door either.”
My jaw drops with shock. “That was unintentional, and you know it.”
“You are talking about killing all casters. It is not an option, because you are also a caster, and the only way I will lose you is in battle, when I fall by your side. Not by sacrificing yourself.” His jaw clenches. “But should I fall—”
“You won’t.”
“Should I fall,” he repeats, “and Malachi achieves whatever he is hoping to achieve, you may find you no longer have a choice. One day, many years from now, your hand may be forced. How do you think Mordain would respond, knowing you have the power to end them all at any time?”
“But if it’s the only choice left—”
“Then it is the only choice, and you will make the same decision as that mystic Nyxalia did, bearing the weight of it on your shoulders alone, because I promise you, Mordain will not make that decision, not for mortals or elven. And should we somehow succeed at defeating Malachi? One day, long after Allegra has passed, there will come a caster leader who does not appreciate your great power, regardless of where your heart lies. Agatha knows this. It’s why she did not argue with me when I ordered her to hide the book.”
That’s also probably why she took the book to her room and had it with her when she found us. She knows some information is best kept hidden.
“I know you think I am too suspicious, but in this, please trust me.”
“I won’t say anything,” I promise. As much as I hate keeping secrets from Solange and Allegra, my gut tells me Zander is right.
His body sinks with relief as he studies the pearl from the ring in the daylight.
“Was that Annika’s?” I ask gently.
He nods. “He had all her jewelry in his pocket, like loose coins. The ironic thing is that he could have earned a hundred times this by protecting her from Tyree and bringing her to safety.”
But the captain likely watched Cirilea burn as he fled and figured this family’s time on the throne was over. He hedged his bets on a guaranteed prize now versus a chance at a lottery win later. I can’t say I blame him for that. He didn’t think that the exiled king might arrive, hunting for his sister with the help of dragons.
I guide his arm around my shoulders so I can slip mine around his waist and pull him close. “I’m so sorry, Zander.”
With a hard swallow, he nods. “I must tell Atticus.”
“We can go there tonight.”
“We should be in Lyndel, to help strategize and prepare.”
“Then we go to Lyndel first. I don’t think the dragons mind flying back and forth across Islor.” They definitely didn’t mind setting swaths of Saur’goths ablaze. I only wish our efforts had done more. “Do you think Malachi knows what we did in Soldor yet?”
“It matters not. Look what he had time to bring through.” He bites his lip. “I’ve been thinking about what Lucretia said, and she might be right.”
“You’ll have to be more specific. She says a lot.”