Inside smells of sweat and ale and freshly caught fish, and I have to hold my breath to adjust as we weave through the dense crowd. We earn plenty of looks, some curious, some hostile. No one would recognize me as the one who brought them here, given I was wearing my old face. None seem to recognize me as Princess Romeria either, which is a nice change. Zander, on the other hand, earns more than a few double takes and whispers. Many of these people lived in his city, after all.
“Can I ask that we not have a repeat of Norcaster?” Elisaf covers my back while Jarek and Solange protect my sides. Lucretia has vanished and hopefully stays that way until we’re back in Ulysede.
“If it involves a battle, know that you have an extra sword at your side,” a deep, gruff voice announces behind us.
“And a big bastard at that.” Jarek clasps hands with Horik, genuine grins plastering both their faces.
Even I can’t help forget our purpose here for a moment, diving into the massive legionary’s stomach for a hug. It’s only been days since we left him at Cirilea’s port to make sure the Silver Mage’s captain honored his commitment. “Kaders didn’t give you issues?”
“’Course he did. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“And all the ships arrived?”
“Aye, they did, Your Highness, and we got your message. The people are growing restless, though, sleepin’ in barns and streets. They push to go south to Bellcross.”
“They will no longer be doing that.” Jarek gives Horik a look before Zander steps in to greet the legionary. “Have you seen my sister here?”
“Princess Annika?” Horik shakes his head.
Zander purses his lips with disappointment. “What about the fellow named Seamus?”
“Aye, that one is right over there.” He points to the little red-haired mortal sitting by himself in the corner, his stein nearly as large as his head.
Zander wastes no time, barreling through the crowd, earning more than one sneer that falls off the moment Abarrane appears in front of them, her hand on the hilt of her sword.
“Where is my sister?” he demands, fists leaning on the table.
Seamus pauses mid-sip, his eyes widening. “Your Highness?”
I squeeze in beside Zander before he causes a scene. “The south wind blows tonight.”
Seamus falters. “And the north wind answers. But … aren’t you …”
I retrieve the mask from my satchel. Slipping it on, I morph into Romy Watts.
He gasps. “You were the Ybarisan princess all that time?”
“You wouldn’t have helped me if you knew.” I dump the mask and fish out the sack of jewels. “We made a deal. I can trust you to give these to the other captains?”
His eyes light up as he tests the weight in his palms. “They’ll skin me alive if I don’t. I couldn’t leave Northmost even if I wanted to.”
I sense Zander’s patience waning. “Listen, this is important. I remember you saying something about that ship that left ahead of everyone else.”
“The Tempest?”
“Yes! That was it. I remember now. Did it sail here?”
“Aye. It did. After the rest of the lot, but they made it.”
“And was Princess Annika on the ship?” Zander pushes.
“That, I don’t know. But Captain Aron and some of the crew’s right over there.”
We follow his nod toward a table of four, just as a tall man with pocked skin stands and rushes for the door.
“Let me guess—that’s Captain Aron,” Zander hisses, charging after him. “Secure the rest of them!”