I step in between them. “Okay, enough of this. Jarek, I need you to get the stone caster to safety so the Shadows can do what they do and then we’re all getting out of here.”
His gray eyes lock on me, anger flaring in them. And something else I can’t pick out. “What did I say about asking me to leave your side when you are in a dangerous situation?”
That he would never do it.
“We’re a minute behind you, I promise. Please, get Margeer back to camp,” I beg. “You’re the only one who can do it.”
“Is that an order?” he says evenly.
I sigh. “Yes.” If that’s what it has to be.
Jarek snaps his finger and heads toward the cliff’s ledge. Margeer scurries behind, likely happy to be leaving.
“Watch where you step or it will crumble under your foot.” Zander adds, “We would not want you plummeting to your death.”
I spare him my scowl.
Jarek picks his path to a stable part and whistles.
Valk answers with a screech.
“Ready?” He grabs hold of the caster’s robes.
“Yes, but how will—”
Jarek drags him off the edge just as Valk flies past, snatching them in midair.
I feel the blood drain from my face. “Please tell me we don’t have to do that?”
“You want me to lie?” Zander flashes a grin before it falls off quickly. “Let’s finish this now.” He nods to the female Shadow, who studies the area around the nymph door.
A rumble beneath our feet is the only warning before the ceiling caves in, burying the entire alcove.
“We also need to collapse the passage that leads east. We can’t have whatever army Malachi has brought in using Venhorn as its home and pouring out toward the rift.”
“Is it safe to be standing in here while they’re doing this?” I ask.
“They are experts in bringing down both stone and people. But no, probably not.” Zander collects my hand and leads me backward toward the opening.
“You take that side, I’ll do this one,” the female Shadow proposes to her male counterpart. “Your Highness, you may wish to shield yourself.”
I do as suggested. We watch with fascination as stalactites crash down a few at a time, exploding as they hit the ground. The columns topple over each other, splitting into chunks that build up.
“That is all we can do while we stand in here, Your Highness,” the male Shadow says. “Once we are flying with the beasts again, we can—”
His words are cut off with a gurgled sound, snapping our heads in his direction.
A daaknar stands behind, its barbed talons impaling his neck.
A cold dread washes over me as I’m transported back to that terrifying first night in this world.
“Soriel!” the female Shadow screams, launching a boulder at the daaknar’s shoulder that barely nudges it.
It tosses the Shadow’s lifeless body away and then lunges.
I release a bolt of fire, sending it flying toward the wall. Only the beast doesn’t collide with the stone. It disappears into the darkness.
I frown. “Where did it go?”