Page 153 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

With a sneer, he draws a blade.

My pulse races in my ears as I slip out through the opening and drive my dagger downward into the back of his neck with so much force, the end juts out the other side.

He lets out a gurgling sound and then slumps over.

Uda stares at him in shock for one … two … three seconds, and then she kicks his body off the bench with a hard shove of her feet.

Ahead of us, Tyree slides his blade through one last bandit and then suddenly all is quiet again, eerily so. Even the crows are gone.

I crawl farther through the opening, far enough to take stock of the scene.

My jaw drops. Twelve bodies lie scattered on the ground, seven by Tyree’s hand, three by Ezra, one by the crows, based on his pecked-out eyes …

And one by me.

I’ve never killed anyone.

Tyree slows long enough to yank the dagger from my victim’s neck, wiping the blade clean on his clothes. “Was that more satisfying than that time you stabbed me?”

“Hard to say. He whined less about it,” I quip, but my hands shake.

Tyree brushes his palm across his forehead to trap a bead of sweat. I can’t see so much as a scratch on him. I shouldn’t be surprised, though. He is a marvelous fighter, in league with my brothers.

He catches me assessing his body and smirks.

I remember then that the mongrel kissed me.


I open my mouth to scold him when Destry calls out, “We must move quickly,” before saying something in her language.

“We can’t leave these bodies like this.” Tyree grabs hold of one’s arms and drags him into the bushes.

Ezra was not as lucky in his battle. He allows Uda to finish binding a gash across his forearm with a rag and then follows suit, hauling the dead men into hiding.

I slide back inside the wagon and settle onto the crate. “What did you do with the—crows?” I falter, startled by Destry’s black eyes. They’re just like the Azyr. It’s the only thing about this odd little mortal that gives her away. Even her thick fringe of bangs hides the scrawl beneath.

“It happens when I reach for the light.” She tucks her pendant back into her tunic. “Do not worry, they will return to normal soon.”

Five minutes later, Tyree pokes his head past the curtain. “Slide down, Annika.”

“But this seat is more comfortable. I can lean back!” I pout.

“You can lean back down there too. I don’t bite, remember?”

“Neither do I, remember?” I respond crisply.

“Fine. I will take the lower seat and happily fit myself between your thighs.” His grin is salacious.

With a huff, I shift down, ignoring the way his words stir a flutter in my stomach. That blasted kiss. How dare he!

Tyree slips inside with ease, dropping his cleaned swords to the floor with a clatter.

The wagon jostles as Ezra settles onto the bench and then we’re moving again, the wheels rolling with a noisy creak.

“Look what I found you.” Tyree holds up a brown tunic and black wool breeches. “Should be about your size.”

I frown. “Where did you find those?”