Is this to be us?
A soldier with a black plume sticking from his helm strolls up, directing the others to bring the prisoners forward with a wave. He must be the captain. He reminds me of Boaz, his expression equally hard.
The two mortals shake as they’re shoved toward us. With a one-word command, the keepers of their chains draw hooked blades.
I slink closer to Tyree.
But the weapons aren’t meant for us. With quick swipes, the throats of both prisoners are carved wide open. Crimson gushes out in a steady flow as they gurgle their last breaths and a metallic tang fills the air.
Cries of dismay erupt from the spectators around us as the two men collapse, their blood seeping into the seams of the stonework where they land. They were likely known to these people.
The guard with the plume gives an order and soldiers step forward, yelling at us in their native tongue.
“We don’t understand you!” Tyree snaps, using his arm to herd me behind him. But a sword point in my hip has me yelping and jumping back in place. Three more at Tyree’s neck freeze him from whatever next move he wishes to take.
A soldier grabs hold of my jaw, squeezing until my mouth is forced open with my cry of pain. He shoves his thumb under my upper lip, pulling it up.
I realize what they’re doing—checking for fangs. If I still had them, there would be no way to keep them in after that bloody display, repulsed as I am.
Tyree gets the same treatment.
The captain, seemingly satisfied, barks another order and the soldiers step away, dropping their swords.
The next seconds are a blur.
Tyree spins on his heels, throwing elbows and fists that crack jaws and noses before he strips the closest soldier of his sword. In a blink, he cuts through three with deft swings of the blade and impales a fourth, finishing with his sword’s edge pressed against the captain’s throat. “Release us, or I will kill him and every one of you!” Tyree yells, fury flashing in his blue eyes.
I believe him. Witnessing what he just did, he could kill every last one of these guards and escape. I’ve never seen anyone fight with such skill, and I’ve watched my brothers spar. How our legionaries ever captured him in the first place is beyond me.
I hiss at the sharp prick against my neck, cutting into my flesh. A soldier stands behind me, growling something in their language that is likely similar to Tyree’s ultimatum.
Tyree curses as he sees my predicament. His wild eyes dart around us, assessing, until they settle on a nearby horse. He could make it to that. It’s close enough that he could run, mount it, and gallop away, leaving me to my fate.
He grits his teeth.
Fates, he’s considering it. The bastard is going to leave me here to—
He tosses his sword to the ground and raises his hands in the air.
The captain answers with a hard punch to his cheek that snaps Tyree’s head to the side. He winds back for a second.
A sharp cry from inside the gates stalls his swing.
Suddenly, the soldiers are retreating, the one holding me hostage moving swiftly away. They part into two lines on either side of the gate, forming a corridor to pass, and bow their heads. Their entire demeanor has changed, from combative to obedient.
The captain gestures wordlessly toward the opening, the order clear. If it’s even an order. Where does this lead? Are we better off trying to run?
I meet Tyree’s gaze, only to see my confusion reflected in his eyes.
He sidles up next to me, his head on a swivel.
“Did you honestly think you could kill all twenty of them?” I whisper. His cheek is split, the blood running in a rivulet down his face.
“It was worth a shot.” He sizes up the line of soldiers behind us, waiting to usher us in. “Okay, on the count of three, you are going to run for that horse as fast as—”
“Kal’ana.” A man in luxurious red robes appears at the gate’s entrance. He bows and then hobbles forward, his skeletal hand gripping a knotty-wood cane for support. “It is a great honor. Please, come forward. You will be safe within these gates.”
Tyree and I exchange looks.