Page 240 of A Dawn of Gods & Fury

Without thought, I reach up to test the spikey prongs. The nymph elders’ bones. Have I been foolishly dismissing this as a simple ornament all this time?

“Look how they use the Nulling beasts.” A mixture of admiration and dismay laces Elisaf’s tone as he watches a Saur’goth ride a nethertaur, steering it with a chain to keep its tusks from gutting those nearby. Strapped to its scaly back are nets filled with silver bolts. There are dozens more just like this one. “Thank the fates they do not have wyverns at their disposal.”

“Thank Caindra for scaring them all off. But where did they get all these weapons?” I ask no one in particular.

“I imagine they brought them. Malachi thought of everything. Now, where is he …” Zander’s gaze scours the tide, searching. This feels like a game of Where’s Waldo, but I stifle my urge to say that out loud. It would make no sense to anyone here. “There.” Zander points to a cluster of riders moving through the crowd, the Saur’goths parting to make way. A horde follows closely, carrying cages draped in cloth.

Even from up here, I recognize the man from the stone sarcophagus beneath the castle. Tall and regal and handsome.

Sofie walks next to him, dressed in an emerald ball gown.

“Not the wisest choice for a battle,” Jarek muses. “You can spot her from anywhere.”

Sofie is a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of them. “It’s her way of saying this will be over before it starts.” Or is it to announce how untouchable she is?

Was it even her choice, or did Malachi dictate it?

My heart flutters with a rush of fear, and for a moment, I’m back in the bowels of her Belgian home, listening to her spew nonsense about gardens and retrieving stones. Malachi didn’t even trust her with the complete truth, it’s clear now.

“Look, there.” Zander points to a crop of riders on horses, farther back. “I believe those are the lords and ladies of Islor.”

“Do you think they are here of their own volition?” Elisaf asks.

“I doubt it, but it matters not. They fight alongside the enemy, and they will die with them.” Zander forces as much conviction as he can into his voice. “Let us not make ourselves an easy target. It is best we spread out.”

“We will see each other on the other side, my friend. Here or in Za’hala.” Lord Rengard bows to me and then marches to the right.

“May the Queen for All save us today.” Lord Telor hobbles to the left.

His words steal the air from my lungs as dread washes over me.

A hand squeezes my shoulder. Jarek’s. “Have faith that you are stronger than you think.”

He always knows when I am doubting myself. I peer up at the looming legionary, allowing him to see my terror. “And if I’m not?” All these people are counting on me.

“Then we will likely be dead before we know otherwise. Either way, I am by your side until the end, Your Highness.” His eyes roam my face, stalling on my mouth for half a beat before he stiffens and pulls away.

With a deep, shaking breath, I turn to face the line as Malachi and Sofie arrive at the front.

“They are just beyond reach of our archers,” Abarrane notes.

“As intended.” Zander leans against the rampart wall, his hands bracing him on either side, his steely gaze on the god who has claimed his throne.

Finally, Malachi strolls forward, throwing out his arms, palms up.

“He is asking for a parley?” Surprise laces Elisaf’s voice.

“No,” I snarl.

“Absolutely not,” Zander agrees. “Let us give him the answer his new pets understand.” Zander signals the soldiers manning the main catapult. A thump sounds, and a dozen Saur’goth heads sail through the air, raining down to hit the ground rolling.

Malachi answers with a wave to his side.

The Saur’goths march forward, setting the cages in front of him. They tug the cloth, removing the coverings.

The daaknar immediately attracts my attention, hunched over, its tattered wings waiting to fan out. Pitiful, almost, but I know better than to feel anything but hatred. It is likely the one Malachi used in the arena to slaughter those mortals who removed their cuffs.

“Who are they?” Zander asks, pointing at the two forms cowering in the other cages.