“There are several above us.”
Tyree’s hands pause. “Several. Is that normal?”
“It is more than I expected. They hunt at night. The fire will attract them.”
“In that case …” He drags over a log. “Don’t worry.” He grins when he sees the fear splayed across my face. “They are too big to fit in this cave.”
I watch as he sets to work building our fire, using the tiny metal box he confiscated from that first barn to light it. Before long, orange flames dance, casting light and warmth within our alcove.
Tyree eases down beside me, reaching for a hunk of bread.
“Let me see that wound.” I unclasp his cloak and, unlacing his tunic, I push the collar away to inspect the gash. “It looks better.” We stopped by a river to water the horses, and I made him clean it out. It was angry and gaping then, and I was worried.
“As far as you know.” I feel him studying my face as I inspect a few other cuts, my fingers tugging at his clothes and prodding his hard, bare flesh without shame. “What?” I demand, meeting his curious gaze.
“If someone had told me Princess Annika would tend to me one day, I would have never believed them.” There is an odd sincerity in his eyes as it roams my face. It feels too intimate.
“You are valuable, that is all.” I move to pull away.
He grabs my wrist, tugging me into him. “I thought we agreed no more games?” he whispers against my lips.
My pulse races. “Where is the fun in that?”
His eyes sparkle. “Speaking of aches for you to tend to, I have a rather uncomfortable one I desperately need your help with.” He guides my palm over his breeches to the hard length waiting for me.
“Really? Now?” I steal a glance over my shoulder. Destry is occupied with her stones.
His lips trail along my jawline. “With you? Always.”
I would be lying if I said I hadn’t been thinking about this—about him—all day. “Can we move over there?” I jut my chin toward a more private corner.
“I hear them!” Destry exclaims, interrupting our moment.
Tyree groans but then grabs my hand and, pulling me to my feet, we rush to the cave’s opening. “Where?” he demands, searching the darkness.
I watch as four dark shadows glide ahead. “There!” I step out onto the ledge as I trace their movement. “It looks like they’re hunting in the valley.” I hope those horses have found cover.
“How close must one be before you test this plan of yours?” There’s giddiness in Tyree’s voice.
“Much closer than that. I will wait until—”
The rest of Destry’s words are lost to me as sharp claws dig into my arms and I’m lifted into the air, my screams echoing across the night sky.
“Annika!” I roar, watching in horror as she disappears up into the darkness. Her screams fade.
And my heart plummets. “Where did it take her?”
“I do not know.” Destry fumbles with her pendants. “Likely to its nest.”
“Where is its nest?”
“Up there, somewhere?”
That’s when I hear it.