“I can feel it too.”

He stiffens, almost as if it’s been something he’s been hoping for.

“I can feel it. It’s not like the core-rhythm, I suppose, but I feel it. Call it human instinct. A gut feeling. When we know something’s right. It’s an inexplicable sense that guides us. I trust it.”

Zynar lifts his head and looks down at me. “You choose me?”

“Zynar,” I whisper. “I think fate put us together for a reason.”

He stares down at me before his head tilts, his lips brushing against mine almost hesitantly.

I open up to him, accepting his slow soft kiss and realizing it’s the first real one we’ve shared as a mated couple. Mated. I can’t even really believe it, but I’m smiling against his mouth by the time the kiss ends.

“It is nice to see your joy, Little Bird. I worried…”

“That I would run away?” I smile, shaking my head. “Never. I’ve got a mate now, and a farm to run, remember?”

Zynar grimaces. “About that…”



Istep out of the room, a fresh robe wrapped around me and Zynar following like a guard at my back. I’m very aware of the fresh flush on my face and the fact that everyone in this room knows that I’ve been freshly, well, mated.

“Oh, Xarion. I didn’t expect that you’d still be here.”

Xarion turns from where he’d been standing by the window, both arms clasped behind his back. His gaze skips over me and then moves to Zynar then back.

“I would have already left if the human didn’t insist on meeting you before we headed to her farm.”

At first, I think he’s referring to me. But then that doesn’t make sense and I frown. “The human? There’s another human here?”

“Affirmative. With your budding relationship with the Kari, the New Horizons Initiative is well underway.” He blinks, long lashes floating over his red eyes. “Accepting the Kari’s mate bond,” his gaze slides to Zynar again, “will do well to improve the success of the initiative.”

I clear my throat. “Yes.” As if that’s the reason this all happened. I’d all but forgotten I was supposed to be getting along with Zynar for some other reason. “Well, where is she now? The human.”

Xarion’s gaze shifts back to the window. I step up beside him. “And…where’s Varek?” My eyes widen when I see that there, at my gate, are two oogas lazily eating grass. Sitting on top of one is a human woman who seems to be telling Varek a story. Meanwhile, Varek himself is standing by the ooga, looking up at the female. His back is turned so I have no idea what his reaction is.

“What the frakk…” Zynar murmurs. “Is he…being sociable?”

“Indeed,” Xarion sounds bored and just about fed up with all of us.

“Xarion! You should have told me! We made her wait so long!”

Xarion grunts. “You were indisposed. I didn’t think you would want her to come in and hear you getting…well…whatever it is that you and your mate were doing behind that closed door.” He inhales deeply. “Whatever newly mated pairs do.”

Is that a sense of longing in his voice? I’m not sure. It’s so fleeting that I don’t get a chance to decide.

I hurry back in and change into a tunic, not before taking an extra minute to marvel at the design etched into my chest. A sense of pride and longing sweeps over me as I step out of the bedroom again. Zynar’s waiting right there.

“Liora, are you sure you’re well enough to go outside?” He steps up to me, worry on his brow. “If you wait here, I can bring the human to you.”

I shake my head. “She’s probably as nervous as I was about this move. It would be best if I’m the next person she sees.” I’m saying this as I head to the door, though, when I step outside under the warmth of the sun, it’s clear the other human still has company.

Varek shifts on his feet, head dipping slightly as he notices my approach. I nod to him too before turning my attention to the other woman.

Her eyes are a brilliant green not faded by time or hardship, and they widen with curiosity and excitement as she notices me approaching. She looks about my age, perhaps a bit older, I can’t tell. I’ve never been good at guessing people’s ages. But what I do see with absolute surety is the air of determination and resilience that reminds me of myself when I first arrived here.