“Eleanor,” he groans.

I swallow hard, happy tears rising in my eyes. “Yes! Yes! It’s me. I’m here.”

It’s just a simple moment, but my heart swells. But I don’t get to reach for him. The moment doesn’t last because Varek makes his move.

Coming in from the side, he tackles his brother from the side, throwing them both on the bed once more.

“Now, Eleanor!”

It takes me a startled second, but then I’m in motion, moving around to the side of the bed to get Zynar’s attention. But Zynar is completely focused on his brother again. The moment I catch sight of his face is the moment I realize this male has never once been angry in my presence. Because right now, he looks downright murderous. I don’t know how Varek does it. He somehow secures one of Zynar’s arms with one of the restraints. That doesn’t stop Zynar, though. It only makes him more livid.

With one powerful kick, he sends Varek flying away again. His murderous gaze turns to his restrained arm.

“Oh no. Zynar! Zynar, I’m here! Look at me.” This darned plan sounded doable when Varek came up with it, but now I’m wondering if we just made a horrible mistake. “Zynar!”

I touch his arm and he jerks. He’s still snarling as his focus snaps in my direction. For a moment, I wonder if he will attack me too, but then his snarl dies a little. I take that as a green light to go on. Braving it, I get my ass up on the bed.

“Shh,” I run my palm across his jaw. Zynar purrs, suddenly gripping me with his one free arm and forcing me to sit on his belly. I’m immediately brought back to our little tryst in the barn. How I’d sat on him just like this and ground myself into oblivion. “It’s going to be alright. I’m here.”

He seems to calm a little with my voice and my touch, something that makes me smile. Eyes locked on me, Zynar even seems to forget one of his arms is bound. It’s as if he can only see me again. As if I’m the only thing that matters. It’s such a heady feeling that I become lost in his eyes, no longer even aware of Varek in the room.

When he secures both of Zynar’s legs in quick succession, Zynar’s arm tightens on me before he bucks, trying to release himself. I notice now that he hasn’t used any other words except to acknowledge my presence. As if he’s unable to speak. He snarls though, fangs looking more wicked and deadlier than I’ve seen them before.

“I’m here, Zynar.” I clasp both sides of his jaw, forcing him to focus on me. “We’ll get through this. Together. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

He snarls when Varek suddenly appears beside us. That murderous gaze shifts to his brother and, with one swipe, Zynar’s claw tears into him. The protective suit rips, long vertical tears where Zynar’s claw digs into the material. The fabric darkens. I gasp and Varek grunts before holding down the final arm.

“You’re only so frakking strong because your kahlesta has been feeding you delicious meals,” Varek grumbles before choking on a laugh. My eyes are wide as I look at him. He’s bleeding, and he has the time to joke? He secures Zynar’s final arm and collapses against the wall, breathing hard.

“He told you about our meals?” I ask. Heck, maybe I need a distraction from the weight of what I’m about to do, too.

Varek shrugs. “He enjoyed them immensely.” Then he grumbles. “Wouldn’t stop boasting about it.”

I sense a hint of jealousy, or perhaps sadness there, but Zynar’s snarling and buckling again now that he’s fully restrained. Varek rises, grinning down at his brother even though Zynar’s gaze is spitting fire.

“You lucky brute.” He grins. Zynar growls. “We can fight it out later. For now, enjoy your rut, brother…” His gaze shifts to mine, a soft smile on his lips. “And your new kahlesta.”

Stumbling, he heads out of the room and I watch him go, my gaze shooting over my shoulder.

“There’s a first-aid kit somewhere in my stuff out there.”

“I’ll be fine, kahlesta. Don’t worry about me, I have a medkit, remember? Save your energy. You’ll need it.”

“Where are you going now?”

“Me?” Varek looks over his shoulder as he leans on the wall. “I’ll be out here. My job is to protect you. If you need me…if you change your mind…I’ll be by your side in a click.”

I blink at him, wide-eyed, as he closes the door behind him. A lump forms in my throat as I turn my attention back to the unbelievably hot alien before me. Zynar is burning up. His skin. His entire body. His gaze. As soon as my eyes meet his, he bucks, hips shunting upward. My whole body moves like I’m paddling on a surfboard that’s caught a massive wave…and about to catch a massive dong.

I stare down at him. What now?

I suddenly feel like a virgin faced with the first experience of her life.

“I…I never thought we’d be in bed like this again.” I hedge. “Not so soon at least.”

My cheeks burn as his gaze drops to my lips and a soft purr rises from his throat, cutting through a low tone that, in the confusion, I didn’t notice till now. That low vibration is still there. So is the unsteady, uneven rise and fall of his chest as if he’s still having trouble breathing.

He needs me.