That is if I’m not getting ahead of myself and planning a future that will never occur. I don’t know what Zynar wants. This might be a one-time thing, and I have to prepare myself for that.

“When I seeded you, Liora. It was not in the hopes of creating offspring,” he finally growls.

My shoulders slacken, tension releasing that I didn’t even know was stored.

“I simply wanted to have you. All of you. On my cock. In my mouth. I want to fill you with my seed over and over again.” His cock throbs again and I swear he hardens even more. Zynar growls. “I spent all of the dark cycle fantasizing about this.”

Fantasizing about me? The thought makes me press against him more, suddenly unable to feel him enough.

As silence envelop s us, we lie there just listening to the rain until I feel his shoulders begin to rise and fall in a steady rhythm.


There’s no response. He’s sleeping and my eyelids are heavy too.

My core clenches as his knot suddenly goes down and a gush of warm liquid spreads between us. It’s wet, obscene, and yet I can’t say I don’t want more. A soft whimper-like moan leaves my lips as I drift off to sleep. I’m sated. Safe.

For the first time in my life, it feels like true happiness has found me.



It’s the indistinct sound that probably wakes me. Something different from the constant sound of rain outside, but also constant itself. Low. Rumbling. Almost comforting, if I wasn’t wondering what it was.

As my eyes flutter open, I’m aware I’m still wrapped in Zynar’s arms. I’m safe. But there’s still that sound and I’m not immediately sure where it’s coming from.

My communicator maybe? It’s a deep vibration. But when my gaze shifts over Zynar’s shoulder, my communicator’s screen is dark. It’s only then that I realize that noise, that deep vibration, is coming from him. Zynar’s chest is humming like the wings of a fast-beating bird.

I stop moving, easing away a fraction to stare at his chest. There’s no indication there’s any vibration, but I can hear it. I can…feel it. I realize then that it’s also hot. Here in this bundle we’ve created together is suddenly scorching. And his breaths? They’re irregular, coming far too hard for it to be regular, especially during sleep.


He hears my voice and he grunts, but it’s not enough to wake him. He seems out of it. Has he gotten a fever? Oh god, did I overwork him in the field?

“Zynar!” Gripping his shoulders, I shake him and his eyes open. I go still, my own breaths stopping in my chest.

His pupils aren’t blown anymore but they’ve not gone back to normal either. They’re so narrow right now that his eyes are almost entirely yellow, the distinction between pupil and iris barely noticeable.


He shudders and his chest heaves as if he’s finding it hard to breathe.

“Liora,” he groans.

Panic rises within me immediately. “Zynar? What’s happening? Can you talk? Can you tell me?”

My hands are running over him as I try to find out where’s the injury. Was there possibly something I didn’t see? Something I’m missing?

His head rolls, dipping forward, and I have to brace it up with my forehead. His lids are low, but he still manages to look up at me.


That beat in his chest, that rhythmic vibration increases so loud it’s all I can hear. My wide eyes fall to his chest that’s still heaving as his head rolls again.

“I don’t understand.” There’s panic at the edge of my voice. Clearly noticeable. I don’t even care. “I don’t understand what’s happening.”

Despite his struggle, Zynar still manages to settle me back on the bed as he releases me. His entire body is heaving with the effort to breathe as he stares down at me. He’s…pink. Not entirely. There are purple and blue scales, but unlike before where the dominant color was purple, now it’s turned to a rich fuchsia. Eyes wide, I reach for him again, but Zynar stumbles off the bed.