I pump my shaft harder, the image of Eleanor so vivid in my mind that I can almost feel her beneath my claws. I imagine her legs wrapped around me, her breath hot against my ear as she whispers my name, urging me on.
My pace quickens, each stroke bringing me closer to the edge. The thought of her wet and ready for me, her body eager to take me in, is almost too much to bear. I grunt with the effort to hold back, to savor the sensation a little longer, but the need is too great. With a final, shuddering breath, I give in to the pleasure, imagining her with me in every moment. Spurts of lifeseed shoot from my tip to coat the wall before me. My shoulders are hunched, each breath harsh and making my shoulders heave as more lifeseed is pulled from within me. I shudder with each pump from my sac until I’m left panting.
Staring at the seed coating the wall, I splash some water to wash it away, only to realize I’m still frakking hard. Apparently, with Eleanor, just once isn’t enough. I’ll have to relieve myself again. The image of Eleanor smiling up at me while I spread lifeseed all across her belly makes me groan again.
Cock in hand, I’m about to pump out another one when I hear a soft sound somewhere behind me. I freeze, gaze shifting to the outbuilding’s entrance as the large doors push open.
“Zynar?” My name as a song. It reaches my ears and I have to resist a moan as my cock jerks in my fist. Eleanor enters the outbuilding, eyes squinted. There is no light in here. I have not yet lit one but I realize now that she doesn’t only need her lenses for general sight but that her eyes cannot parse the shadows.
Lucky for me, because just a few lengths from her I stand bare with my cock in hand. I take far too long to move. To cover myself. I stand there, my cock jerking when she calls my name again and everything I’ve been imagining about the tempting Liora repeats in my mind. Grabbing a dry tunic from where I hung it, I turn off the spigot and wrap the tunic around my lower half.
“Is everything alright, Liora?” I say, stepping from the shadows. I can tell when she sees me. The slight worry that was clouding her gaze disappears as she looks in my direction. Reaching into my pack, I take out a light stick, activating the thing and setting it down near the stacks of bales I’d made to sleep on.
Eleanor blinks and squints, her eyes adjusting to the new light, before they heighten on me fully. “Oh!” Her cheeks get that red color. “You were showering.” Her gaze shifts down my frame, sending a tingle right through me and straight to my cock again. In this simple tunic, the way it stands at attention is obscene and so I turn away from her. She’d said she didn’t want to engage in anything outside of professionalism and I wish to adhere to that. It allows me to be here by her side and, as the cycles pass, I realize I don’t want to be anywhere else.
“Don’t worry, you did not interrupt me. I was finished before you entered.” Lies. By the looks of it, I will have to pump my cock through the dark cycle just to ‘finish’ enough that I won’t poke her in the eyes at dawn.
“Oh, good.” Her gaze shifts to the bales and then to me. “Everything’s fine. I was just…just wondering if you’re alright out here and if you need anything. A blanket? Water? Food?”
I smile at her over my shoulder. “I am a simple male, Liora. I have all that I need. Not to worry.”
She nods. A slight one, barely visible, as her gaze shifts to the bales again. When she looks at me once more, her gaze moves over my back before she makes that sound in her throat as if she’s clearing something stuck within it.
“Well, then, I guess I should bid you goodnight then. Unless there’s anything you need…” She licks her lips, gaze shifting to mine before, she blinks a few times and looks away.
If there is anything I need? I almost purr.
I know what I need and it’s standing not even a good length away from me, dressed in a simple night tunic that would rip so easily it’s hardly any protection from my claws. Her. What I need is her.
“Oh!” Her sudden exclamation almost has me turning around fully. “Your back.” Her eyes light up. “I was supposed to help you with that, right?”
I groan. I can’t help it. The thought of her touching me right now while I’m in this state is downright electrifying. And yet, I can’t resist.
“The knot in your back is still there, isn’t it?” She approaches. She’s so small, I can just see the top of her head when she disappears at my back. When her soft hand touches my shoulder, a rumble of pleasure goes through me. My cock jerks beneath my tunic, spend seeping from my tip. Frakk, I might just release with just her proximity and the slightest touch.
“Mm?” I groan.
“Is it still there? I could help you with it now if you like?”
Temptation at its finest.
“Or it’s fine, as well, if you no longer want me to…”
“Oh, I do.” I turn, my cock bobbing and brushing against her soft belly. A lump forms in my throat or I would have purred. I watch as her eyes widen and her neck stiffens, almost as if she’s trying her darnedest not to look down. I would smile if it wouldn’t make me snarl from the pure effort it’s taking not to take her into my arms.
So I move. I walk over to the bales I’d pushed into a flat surface to rest on and I lie face-down. The ache of pressing my cock against the grass-feed does nothing to calm the tension swelling within my shaft. As a matter of fact, the friction and pressure only make things worse.
“Ok…that’s…” The Little Bird swallows hard but she comes over to me anyway. “This is fine, I guess.”
A delicious shudder goes through me as she sets her hands on my shoulders. She begins her massage, moving slowly at first, as if testing things out and learning what to do, before she begins kneading the muscles beneath my skin.
Gods. Possibly I died and this is the promised place where everything is good. I sink into the bale as Eleanor’s soft hands work magic. My face is turned away from her and when I turn my head the other way, my eyelids flutter at the waft of sweet essence that’s coming from her. Inhaling deeply, I catch a whiff of something I never scented on her before. Something intoxicating that makes my cock harden when I didn’t think it could get any harder. Shifting slightly closer, I inhale deep, a rumble going through my chest.
It’s her. Her essence from between her legs. Nothing else could make me react like that. The thought that Eleanor might be even just slightly affected by me sets my lifeblood on fire.
“Ah, this isn’t working.”