Page 97 of Rebirth

My head tilts, unable to believe this is the reaction of these people, and Soh’fee turns and smiles up at me. One of reassurance. In her eyes, there is hope that this will all be okay. That it will all work out.

And one thing comes to me. Something I’d forgotten in my time on this planet.

As I look at Soh’fee, and as her people begin to move, getting to safety, some gathering arms, prepared to fight, I’m reminded of one unique quality of this species.

Their ability to adapt.

My gaze snaps to Soh’fee, a plan forming in my mind.

She can adapt. Adaptation is the key. Not destruction.

I can’t cure her, but I can make it so she lives.

I can make it so that they all live.

“We have to help the camp,” Soh’fee says. Her gaze flicks to Fer’ro, to Adee’ra, and then to the two other females, Mee’na and Sa’am. They stand ready, hackles already rising, prepared to fight for this fragile Unity they have all sacrificed to build. “If we don’t stop this group…”

She doesn’t need to finish. I jerk my chin in a nod, turning to Fer’ro. He holds my gaze, our differences set aside for now in the face of this shared threat.

“We should be enough,” I say. “Tell the others to evacuate any remaining hyu’mans in the camp and secure the perimeter. We will head out to intercept the Corrupted.”

Fer’ro growls an assent, following my direction even though he is our leader. A trait I have always respected in him. His mission has always been to keep us and whatever world we save alive. He waves to the others before heading to one of the larger tents.

Turning back to Soh’fee, I take her face in my hands. Her skin is warm against my touch, the beat of her heart strong despite the changes within.

“Stay close to me.” She nods but there’s an undercurrent of something there, and I am positive she will disobey this order if she sees any vulnerable hyu’mans out there. Her life organ is too big, beating for more than her. But mine is hard and cold. Soft only for her. I will strike them down if they get too close. “Do not engage the Corrupted directly. Your…powers are still unpredictable, and I will not risk you further.”

To my surprise, she smiles. A faint thing, but a smile nonetheless. “Only if you promise the same.” Her hands cover mine, gripping tight. “We fight together, He’rox. You and me. We end this together.”

Warmth infuses my being at her words as I lean down, pressing my forehead to hers.

Together. The word repeats in my mind like a sacred song. It is a vow more binding than any other, and I hang on to it as we move as a group toward the incoming threat.

The angry shouts get louder as a band of hyu’mans bursts through the tree line. They stop short, eyes filled with manic rage, all pumped up to wreak havoc.

There will be no persuading this lot.

This will be war.

And yet…Soh’fee steps forward, hands raised.

The leader of the group snarls, eyes glowing with an inner malevolent light only I can see as he advances.

“Stop!” Soh’fee shouts. Her voice echoes across the air, halting the Corrupted in their tracks. They stare at her, heads tilting. Assessing.

I stiffen, ready to lunge forward and rip them apart. But Soh’fee glances at me, shaking her head slightly. A warning to stay back. To give her a chance.

I do not understand what chance she thinks they will allow. They are too far gone. But I obey her silent command, though every step she takes toward the threat makes my tentacles sharpen. At the slightest hint of attack, I will end them.

“You don’t have to do this,” Soh’fee says, holding the leader’s gaze. His lips peel back, a hiss escaping him. The others mimic his reaction, a ripple moving through their ranks. But still they do not attack. “This violence, this desire to destroy—it isn’t you. We’re stronger than this.”

Rage fills the leader’s eyes. “What do you know? While we’re out there trying to build society again, you’re here with these freaks.”

Soh’fee shakes her head. Gesturing to the dark veins evident underneath his flesh, she meets his gaze once more. “That’s the enemy. That’s the problem. Not these guys. They came here to save us. And they did. They belong here as much as we do. Without them, we wouldn’t have this planet to call home anymore.”

“Traitor,” one of them says from the back, and others join in, calling my Soh’fee despicable names in their hyu’man tongue. I growl, my patience wearing thin, but Soh’fee says those words she said back in the forest before she was attacked.

“It’s okay.”