Page 82 of Rebirth

The child looks up at her, wide eyes bearing no emotion, and nods.

As Soh’fee crouches, I watch her wince, the pain in her shoulder obvious. Yet, she lifts the child and we continue on.

I wish I knew what her plan is, for the dark cycle draws nigh. The thought of her being among these beings throughout the night is one that makes my ba’clan rise along my shoulder blades. They hate the idea as much as I do.

I cannot lead her when it becomes too dark for her to see my subtle cues. We will have to stop. Rest. Stand guard.

Still, I remain camouflaged, guiding her discreetly, eyes on her as the child rests its head on her shoulder. Its eyes focus in my direction and it stares, almost as if it can see me. And for a moment, I wonder if it can.

Though innocent in appearance, her powers are formidable enough to control the Corrupted following behind.

I watch Soh’fee carefully. She knows the child cannot truly integrate into Unity, yet she continues forward, unwilling to abandon her. I can see the wheels turning in her head, trying to figure out a way to save this small hyu’man.

I have done nothing to deserve a female with a soul as pure as this.

But then something catches my attention. The child, as it lifts its head and sniffs.

I stop moving, watching as it tilts its head, something akin to life firing in its eyes as it focuses on Soh’fee’s wounded shoulder.

Soh’fee’s blood.

A snarl rises on my lips at the same time that the child places its hand over Soh’fee’s wound.

“You are bleeding here,” the little creature says, voice small and soft.

Soh’fee turns to face the child, a smile on her lips. “Oh, you can talk, and such a beautiful voice you have.” Then she smiles even more. “What’s your name?”

The child stares at her for a moment. “Asha.”

“Nice to meet you, Asha. We’ll get home in no time and then you—”

“I will help you…”

I see it the moment before my world stands still.

A singular dark vein pulses down the child’s neck, disappearing behind the filthy garments hanging from her slight frame. It lights up under her skin, running through the arm that’s connected to Soh’fee’s wound, too fast for me to stop.

I lose my camouflage. The universe ceases to exist.


Soh’fee staggers as the child’s palm lifts from the wound. It is already done. There, like a sticky web, a mass of thick veins snap from the child’s palm to disappear under the bandage.

My roar echoes through the trees, chilling the darkening sky at the same moment the child’s eyes widen as she turns my way. For the first time, I see fear in those wide eyes, but all I can focus on is Soh’fee. She stares ahead as if experiencing something inside that she can’t quite explain. As if her mind is taking some time to catch up with the sensations going through her.

And then she looks at me.

It’s a look filled with regret and sorrow. As if she’s apologizing to me. In that one moment, it’s as if she’s realized and accepted the inevitable. That something unchangeable has just occurred.

The child screams, and Soh’fee seems to knock back into herself. She turns, running in my direction at the same time that the Corrupted charge at her.

No. At me.

They’re focused on me now.

My gaze snaps to the small screaming hyu’man.

They’re focused on me because she is focused on me.