My chest’s still heaving as I come down from my peak, the reality of what just happened between us hitting me like a brick.
He’rox is a being from another planet. Fuck that. He’s a male I just met. And I had his fingers in my pussy while I moaned and panted his name. But what’s worse is that none of that embarrasses me. What’s embarrassing was my lack of self-control, so much so I don’t know if I can meet his gaze.
But I can’t run away from it either. I can feel his attention even as I’m unable to look at him.
I was staring into those eyes as I came. Thinking about how hot and sexy and forbidden he is. Yet, here I am in his arms. Wanting him more than I’ve wanted anyone ever before.
He’rox lifts his hand away from my pussy almost hesitantly, his fingers brushing over my clit as he slips his hand out of my jeans, and I try not to squirm.
A shiver goes through me, the rain having soaked through my hair and my clothes, and I automatically snuggle closer to him.
He’s so warm, I forgot about the fact that we’re crouching in the rain.
Against my fingers, his ba’clan attach to me like a web and I lift my hand, blinking away the water running into my eyes as I look at them. Hard to believe this substance that looks like white ink, or maybe streams of thick paint that haven’t dried yet, is a living organism. One that’s interacting with me almost as if it…likes me.
I clear my throat, glancing at He’rox.
What now?
Despite the icy rain, my body’s still burning with need. Do I reciprocate?
My gaze slides down his sculpted frame, my heart thumping in my ears as my breath catches the lower I go. He’s all muscle and strength. Just the thought of going further with him makes a flush go through my entire being.
Does he even have a dick?
There’s a noticeable bulge pressing against my ass. So delicious and thick, I want to squirm against it. Another wave of heat goes through me, making me shiver—a contradiction that’s like everything else since I’ve met this being.
When I lift my gaze back to his, my throat goes dry.
The raw hunger in He’rox’s eyes is startling. Like a lion that has its prey in its sights, he stares down at me, unmoving. Electricity crackles between us, and I fear that if I look away for even a second, he’ll press me into the ground and take what he wants.
Another shiver goes through me.
… I want him to.
The realization hits me hard and I have to force myself to breathe; otherwise, I’d pass out.
Bracing against him, his ba’clan remain against my fingers, telling me more than the alien himself ever would.
The ba’clan want me to stay. They don’t want me to move.
Slowly, I lift my gaze back to the alien. To He’rox. And our eyes meet once more.
“He’rox,” I whisper.
“Don’t leave,” he says, giving me exactly what I didn’t expect.