Her words strike me like a blow, resonating through my soul. This fragile hyu’man, so newly come into my world, now offers a part of herself as forfeit to a battle hardly her own. A battle spanning millennia, which robbed my people of all hope and left behind but ashes.
This war is between us: Vullan and Gryken. Hyu’manity has simply been swept along—an innocent player coerced to participate, left without choice but to defend themselves.
And yet still she stands here surrounded by the shadows of that war, staring into the face of terror and does not flee. Does not falter. Only tightens her pale hands to fists and lifts her chin, eyes bright with purpose.
Purpose I had thought long lost.
“Your sacrifice will not be required.” My voice is rough, unsuitable for the gentleness I intend. I slide my gaze away from the female floating at peace within her cage of glass and turn toward the exit.
That’s when it happens. When the soft touch of hyu’man skin lands on my back, sending my ba’clan there rippling across my frame.
The effect is so sudden. I freeze.
She…touched me.
The sensation is so strange, so alien, that my life organ stops in my chest and I don’t immediately notice the fact that my ba’clan responded. A growl rumbles in my chest, pleasure I never thought I’d ever feel shooting through me at the contact. But then she pulls her hand away.
Too soon.
I must have scared her with my response.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” Her rushed words make something twist inside me, but I cannot look at her. Cannot face her. Because my fangs have extended, the ends aching at such a simple touch.
I will scare her more if I turn around now. And…I do not know how I will respond if I move even an inch in her direction.
She touched me. Laid her hyu’man hand upon this form as though I were not a monster, but something else. And that fleeting contact has woken sensations slumbering since my memory began.
I clench my claws, fighting for stillness though my lifeblood rages with the need to turn, to face this female who has lit a spark where only darkness has dwelt. The growl rumbles low in my chest once more, echoing the thunder of my life organ now beating in distress, or anticipation, caught in a rhythm that’s new.
“Do not apologize.” My voice is sand and shadows, as if I have not spoken in revolutions. I stare ahead but no longer see, lost in memory of the feel of hyu’man skin upon my own. A wonder and a terror, that simple contact.
Because she touched me…and I cannot remember the last time someone has done such. Touched me, by choice rather than misfortune, aggression, or duty.
This is…
“Still,” she says, sounding so utterly small at my back, “I will keep in mind that touch isn’t something you’re comfortable with. I blame the hyu’man part of me for that.” She releases a soft laugh. “We tend to…crave it.”
They do.
I see it all the time. My brethren with their hyu’man mates. There is constant contact. And I have observed how the others watch them, yearning for the same. I never have.
Until now.
“But,” she continues, “I want to help. I don’t know anything about these Gryken, I’ve never seen one up close until now, but if this is some sort of disease…I can help you.”
I force my fangs to calm, my voice to return to its normal tone as I straighten my back, spine muscles rolling as I straighten my shoulders.
“Very well.”
I hear as she releases a slow breath and then the soft steps of her feet as she follows behind me.
“I’ll get my pack,” she says as soon as we enter the lab and I freeze again.
This time, I turn to face her, observing rosy cheeks, determined eyes, and the way her chest heaves as she takes a breath.
“You have only just arrived.”