They really are big marshmallows. Just like Mina said the first time I came to this camp.
“I know you’re afraid of what’s different. The Vullan look strange and have powers you don’t understand. But inside, they have the same hopes and desires as us. The desire for peace, for community.”
There is silence and I can see some of the people before us slump their shoulders.
He’rox steps up beside me, his tentacles gently caressing mine. “She speaks the truth. We Vullan came in peace, to help humanity against the true foe.”
More silence before a man who is being held hostage by one Vullan speaks up. “You killed some of us already. How can we trust you?” Murmurs of agreement arise from the group.
“You gave them no choice,” Adira snaps.
I turn to the Vullan holding the man and nod. Dri’ro, my ba’clan supplies, telling me his name. With a jerk of the chin at me, he slowly releases the man, and one by one, the Vullan let the others go. My ba’clan pulse. Communicating. Urging unity and peace.
As the man rubs his wrists, reddened from the grip Dri’ro had on him, he stares at the Vullan for a long moment.
I step closer to the group, feeling like I’ve had to preach this message once too many times. But something tells me that I’ll have to do it again and again, until what’s left of humanity finally understands.
“Let’s start again.” I smile. “Hello, I’m Sophie.”
The sound of my footsteps pounds in my ears as I pace. Here in a sterile room, I wait, watching people come and go through the transparent wall before me.
Only one thing remains constant. One person.
As work on rebuilding Unity began, I knew it was only a matter of time before his patience ran out. As soon as we gave the new arrivals an ultimatum—stay and help us, or leave and not return—He’rox whisked me into his arms and headed for the ship. Now I watch him work, aware of almost everything around us.
There is much I don’t understand about this new ability I have, but one thing is certain. I am forever changed.
He’rox’s concern over my well-being and the changes that happened to me warm my heart so much. It’s only because of his love and care that I sit waiting patiently on the floating bed in the room, watching him work. Watching him go through massive amounts of data as he runs scan after scan.
On the ground, things should be progressing. Some of the attackers had stayed to help, but I suspect others will return with more violence.
And all these hours later, He’rox has worked tirelessly. I fall asleep and wake, and he is still there, focused on the light matrix. Focused on me. And I feel he’s checking and rechecking things just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything.
Just to make sure I’ll be alright.
Far behind him, in the room beyond the wall, every Corrupted that survived the attack float in suspended animation. Even Asha too. Induced comas, their bodies preserved as He’rox attempts to find a cure, and my head tilts slightly as I watch him work. He’s a genius, the way he moves. His attention focusing on things I couldn’t even begin to understand.
“What are you doing right now? What part of this are you working on?” I move closer to the transparent wall before us, pressing a palm against it. Tendrils of dark veins move out before coming back into my hand, evidence of the urge within me to touch this male.
“I need a compound,” he says, gaze moving from the matrix to me. “Something that will either fully reverse the corruption or give the Corrupted control over the parasite.”
My throat moves as I watch him. A few moments of silence pass between us as he studies the data before him.
“And do I need to be here? Behind the wall, I mean.”
He’rox’s gaze moves to me once more. “Until I know you are safe. Until I know you will be all right. Until I am certain…” He releases a breath. “I will run the tests one more time.”
“How many times have you run the tests now?”
He doesn’t answer immediately.
“One hundred and ten times.”