Page 3 of Ka'Cit's Haven

The house was still mostly dark, but she knew that as soon as she reached outside, she’d see the dim glow of the sun lighting up the pink sky.

She was almost into the main room when she tripped and nearly stumbled over something huge, dark, and furry that was lying on the floor.

The thing growled and lifted its head. Four eyes blinked at her with mild annoyance.

“Oof!” Nia whispered. “Sorry, Grot.”

Riv’s huge dog-like tevsi put its head back down and ignored her as she continued on her way.

Grot was terrifying. He looked like something that would give Cerberus a run for most terrifying four-legged creature.

The first time she’d seen the animal, she’d almost pissed herself, but she’d soon realized it was harmless—at least, as long as she wasn’t being hostile to Riv or Lauren.

The tevsi loved Lauren as much as it loved its master.

She was almost out the door on the other side of the house when she heard more muffled sounds and panting.

Another cringe made her pause for just a moment.

She’d been right. Sohut and Cleo were at it.

“Fuck man,” she whispered. She’d never heard people having sex so much in her life.

Was it shocking?

A little.

Did she hate it?

Not really…

Was she jealous?

Nia cleared her throat and headed out the door.

That question wasn’t one she was willing to answer.

Fuck that annoying voice in her head for waking up so early and asking it in the first place.


Outside, the cool morning air greeted her. The dark purple sky was already starting to turn pink as the morning came and Nia smiled.

She was glad this was the planet she’d landed on and not some barren wasteland. Hudo III was beautiful.

The sky was pink in the daytime and there were hardly ever any clouds, but when there were, it was like looking at cotton candy floating above. The grass was orange and the leaves of the trees too.

And the animals…they were amazing.

As soon as she thought of them, a long-necked tilgran popped its head over its enclosure to look at her.

“Hello, Morpheus,” she said. Morpheus blinked at her.