Page 8 of Sohut's Protection

She couldn’t.

She could do this.

She heard the alien’s voices again, and this time they seemed closer.

“It must have rolled this way.”

“You find it. I’ll dump the dead fuhol. Looks like the slizz is dead too. Phekking, draxx. That’s a teruva coin lost. I’ll have to dump it as well.”

“Why do I have to go for the human jekin?” It sounded like he was whining.

“You want to dump the dead ones then?” the other answered.

There was a disgruntled sound, and she assumed the alien was dragging his feet as he headed her way.

She had no idea how far she had tumbled, but she was sure they’d find her shortly if she didn’t get her ass out of the frickin’ cage!

But no matter how hard she pushed, the bolt wouldn’t disengage.

In pure frustration, Cleo kicked the bars and the cells rattled. They rattled so hard, the sound echoed into the quiet jungle—but they budged a little.

She could hear the rustle of leaves as the green alien approached and she began kicking, not caring that she was making noise now.

She needed to get out.

She almost lost her balance as a part of the bar bent outward, the bolt flying off. The sharp piece of metal she’d lodged in the spot fell back on her chest, and she stared at the open space in shock.

It was open.

Open enough for her to squeeze through.

She didn’t hesitate.

Righting herself as best as she could, she grabbed the sharp piece of metal and hoisted herself up.

Her head and shoulders fit through the space as she pulled herself through. Bracing her arms on the outside of the cage, she pulled her legs through next.

The sound of the bushes rustling was really close now.

He was coming.

She just about jumped from the top of the cage when she saw one of the burly green aliens appear through the undergrowth.

His eyes met hers and his giant maw opened in surprise.

Incompetent fool.

She couldn’t help the glimmer of mischief and triumph that she knew appeared in her eyes.

They’d underestimated her. Costly mistake.

Without so much as a backward glance, Cleo began running.

Running for life.

Running for freedom.

And hopefully not running toward a sooner death than the one she’d been fated for before.