Page 133 of Fly with Me

The night she had planned for weeks. The perfect night in a ballroom, wearing her perfect dress happily situated on Stella’s arm. And she was going to tell her…

She crossed to the kitchen sink and splashed cold water on her face. She fanned her eyes, blinking furiously. Throat constricting.

She didn’t want to think about Jake or her family. She couldn’t do anything about that. He was gone, and they didn’t want her around. She needed tonight, needed to grab hold of some smidgen of happiness, because otherwise she’d completely fall apart.

“Olive?” Stella was in a towel, leaning in her doorway, perfect face filled with anticipation. “You okay?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Eye was bothering me.”

“Did you get something in it?” Stella walked to stand behind her, appraising Olive’s eyes with her own. After all of their various shower activities, Olive didn’t think she’d ever be able to smell Stella’s shampoo without getting aroused.

“Not sure. I’ll be fine. I’m going to shower too.”

Stella caught her in a quick kiss. “I’m excited about tonight.”

“Me too.” Olive forced a mirroring smile on her face.

She could get through this.

Chapter 48

Stella and Olive circulated at the event. Having Stella’s hand in hers grounded Olive. She smiled at the praise about the news articles and the videos. She answered all the polite inquiries about her without feeling uncomfortable or anxious. She placed walls in her mind around everything about Jake and her father and mother like an encapsulated cancer. It couldn’t touch her now. She couldn’t think about it.

With those mental walls intact, the biggest issue she was encountering was that Stella’s evening dress hugged her hips and ass in a manner that was completely distracting. She’d missed what people were saying a couple of times as Stella walked in front of her. Stella in uniform was dangerous. Stella in a cocktail dress was lethal.

Jack O’Halloran stood with an attractive and much younger woman near the head table. He beckoned them over, greeting both Olive and Stella with a charismatic warmness.

The woman grinned, with the upper half of her face barely moving. “Oh, they’re even more beautiful in person, aren’t they? No wonder they got invited on the TODAY show. I’m Lady O’Halloran.”

Olive assumed Lady was her actual first name and not a title, but given the amount of bling around her neck, she didn’t feel certain.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs. O’Halloran. I’ve heard so much about you and all your work to encourage the philanthropic goals of the airline.” Stella shook Lady’s hand.

“I hear you’re one of the airline’s best volunteers.”

Stella flushed.

“She is,” Olive said, giving Stella’s hand a squeeze. “This holiday party is beautiful.”

“We’ve been putting on this party for thirty years. A tradition in the airline. Glad you’re both here. And Jack says he made sure that there was a food you could eat, Stella dear.”

Stella’s cheeks went redder. “Thank you.”

Jack shook his head. “Should never have been a problem. You ladies should have drinks in your hands though. This is a party.”

“Yes, go mingle with people other than us older folks.” Lady moved to sit at her table, her husband delicately pulling the chair out for her.

Jack waved them away too. “Yes. By all means. Go celebrate your year.” He looked at Stella. “Though the new year might be bringing some more good news for you.” He tapped the side of his nose.

“Thank you, sir. Thank you.”

He sat beside his wife.

Olive and Stella wove through tables to find their seats, and Olive’s clutch began buzzing. Derek was calling. He knew where she was, and he wouldn’t be calling unless it was an emergency. He’d picked up Gus after they’d left. What if something had happened to him? He couldn’t know about Jake? But why else would he be calling?

Olive frowned. “Derek’s calling. Do you mind if I…?”

“Of course.” Stella nodded. “Do you want me to come outside with you?”