“Oh.” Olive relaxed a bit, and sat in the chair beside Mrs. Crawley. “You’re welcome.”
“The organization especially wanted me to come make it clear to you that your partner would be welcome at any of the hospital holiday events. There are exciting things happening because of your story.” She affected a conspiratorial voice. “We’re even in talks with the Disney company on coming here to give a seminar on customer service.”
“Customer service?”
“To help improve what you all do here every day.”
“Nursing?” The idea of nurses being mainly in the business of customer service seemed to be fairly pervasive at the executive level. Wonderful.
“Exactly.” She gave a little wink. “So we’d love for your partner to come to our events. She just exudes that right attitude. Something about your two faces made a couple very, very generous”—she dropped into a raspy whisper—“VIP guests offer to donate a sizable amount. We’ve decided to use the money to refurbish the fish tank in the waiting room. Isn’t that wonderful?”
“For the fish, I guess?”
“Always those extra ways to make our guests feel welcomed here. Helps bring the right sort of people in our doors.”
“Same thing. So will you be attending?”
Olive forced a smile to cover her internal cringe. The hospital holiday events were generally potluck and awkward, so she and Derek usually opted for taking the staff to a local pub instead. “Thanks. I—uh—think I have to work that night.” If she didn’t, she’d make sure she had another excuse, but something about the conversation made her feel bold enough to ask a question. “Any chance any of the generous donations will be making it possible to increase pay for the staff nurses here, because compared to other area hospitals—”
“We have a few big retention events planned. Don’t you worry yourself about that.”
“Pizza parties are always a huge hit.”
“Sure, but—”
“Well, let me know if I can do anything for you. I hope things are going well with you and…”
“Yes, that’s right.” Mrs. Crawley patted her on the shoulder. “Very nice chatting with you.”
Olive swiveled to face her computer. A million thoughts cascaded through her head. Would she have invited Stella to the work holiday event? It was a few days after Stella’s holiday party. The black cloud over her future beyond the party seemed to billow like an opaque taunt.
Derek plopped into the chair beside her. “What’d Crawley want?”
“To thank me for not shit-talking the organization and to make sure I knew Stella was invited to holiday events. And to say a few other things that I’d tell you, but your head would explode.”
“Already heard about the fish tank.” Derek gave a noncommittal nod and faced his own computer. A few minutes later, he spoke again without taking his eyes off the screen. “So, what do you think will happen between you and Stella after her work holiday thing? And where have you been the past few days? More Stella time?”
“Uh, so…”
Just at that moment, Lindsay came around the corner. Her mouth was a smug smile. “Derek, I’m surprised you’re encouraging Olive to be this delusional about this woman.”
“Lindsay, when are you going to take a goddamn hint,” Derek said.
“I have Olive’s best interest at heart, and you’re just enabling her.” Lindsay’s hands went to her hips. “It’s pathetic.”
“Can you stop talking about me like I’m not here?” Olive stepped forward and put a hand on Derek’s shoulder. He didn’t need to fight this battle for her.
“Leave Olive and her relationship alone. None of your business.”
“She doesn’t have a relationship. Can you just stop lying. Has she actually gone crazy this time?” Lindsay pushed the curtain of her shag bangs out of her face. Her lip curling in a scowl. When neither Derek nor Olive spoke again, opting instead for cold silence, she huffed. Her attention went back to Derek. “Olive’s just going to get herself hurt again when this psycho pilot breaks her heart. Some fucking best friend you are. Someone has to do something…” She stormed off.
Olive rolled her eyes and gestured to her body. “Again, I was right here.”