That was it? She thought hollowly just before her mouth dropped open at the sight of the wishing well illuminating in a sudden glow. Someone had decorated the well with what looked like at least ten strings of light in every color. Blinking ones, flickering ones, racing lights, and even the ones that faded in and out – and before she could question what was going on, Cade stepped forward.
“Hey, princess,” he said simply, smiling at her. She stood there dumbstruck about fifteen feet from him, completely bumfuzzled and confused as to what was happening, when Cade looked to his right and nodded.
Holly jumped back slightly as twelve carolers stepped forward and began humming a light melody that sounded like a Christmas carol. The snowflakes were starting to drift down a little heavier now as she continued to gawk in amazement at the man before her.
Cade snapped, not breaking the invisible link between their eyes as his smile got larger, and Rodney suddenly crossed her line of vision – singing.
Oh my gosh…
“Once there was a girl with greasy swirls…” Rodney sang, making mocking curls on his cheeks and his forehead, and then rubbed his hands up and down his stomach in an exaggerated motion. It was so funny to see the pudgy man acting so dramatically, but then Jude sailed forward. The other firefighter glided like he was crossing a stage theatrically, with his arms spread wide, almost like a ballerina dancer prancing from the opposite direction – also singing.
What in heaven's name was going on, she thought, listening.
“A blonde halo of curls…” Jude sang – and then Cajun Josephs stepped forward, adding to the burgeoning song that was taking shape before her.
“An angel, some said, a tomboy, others cried…”
“Alone and lost when her father died…”
Neighbors and friends stepped forward with each stanza – and then began humming the same simple tune that the carolers were still warbling nearby. It sounded almost like ‘The Little Drummer Boy,’ making her smile through watery eyes.
“But then came a man from far and wide…”
Her breath caught in her chest as Cade stepped forward, and she waited for him to sing – but he didn’t. Sheriff Hart had stepped up, grinning, and looked at Cade as he sang.
“Who was at fault and slammed into her side…”
“I knew it,” Holly laughed tearfully, covering her mouth as she realized exactly what was happening. Cade threw back his head, laughed in delight, and then held up his hand to her, like he was directing traffic, waving others forward.
“The girl had a crush…” Krista gushed, clasping her hands over her heart, causing several others to chuckle softly. Everyone knew she was the world’s most outgoing and pathetic matchmaker – and loved her for it.
“The man admired her tush…” Mayberry chanted, causing another ripple of laughter from people as Cade winked at her.
“And would do anything to win her heart…” Dr. Josephs sang, stepping up and holding her husband Cajun’s hand. The two had fallen deep in love last year, inspiring Krista to set her up on those random blind dates – but no more. No, her forever lay with the man who was watching her with his heart in his eyes.
“So he orchestrated a little something…”
“Because their first Season together was about to start…”
“Oh Cade…” Holly whispered emotionally as she saw people begin to move slowly, almost as if they were dancing in perfect unison. They moved in circles of four like a bunch of square dancers, still humming as others continued the lyrics.
Cade took another step closer to her, still silent.
“But there was more to this show…”
“So much more she didn’t know…”
“See the twinkle in her eyes…”
“Mirrored the stars in the sky…”
“And the town’s hero…”
“Turns out he wasn’t a zero…” Rodney, Jude, and Mayberry all shouted in unison, no longer singing – and Cade just shrugged, grinning playfully for everyone around them, taking a few more steps toward her as those dancers still moved in slowly spinning circles.
“But rather was waiting to marry…”
“The lovely Miss Holly Beary…”