I’m gonna marry this woman.
Four hours later, as the football game ended and Cade saw a few yawns beginning, he realized it was time for the fellas to leave. He didn’t mind if Holly wanted to shut her eyes, but he sure wasn’t putting anyone up at the house when he wanted to be alone with her.
“Guys, I’ll bring some leftovers tomorrow… but for tonight – it’s time to head out before Jude or Mayberry start snoring louder than little Knox,” he smiled and saw the four guys look at each other and share a smile as they got to their feet.
“It’s been nice seeing you, Beary…”
“Thanks, Beary and Cade…”
“You sure do clean up nice, Beary…”
“Watch it, Jude,” Cade chuckled, smirking, and laid a possessive hand on Holly’s shoulder. She was his girl, and the other guy needed to back off – and he felt Holly’s hand touch his where it rested, almost in silent support.
“Have a good evening, fellas… and Happy Thanksgiving,” she said, waving. “I’ll box everything up nicely.”
“I sure do like ol’ Beary…”
“Usually things get crazy around the holidays… this was downright homey.”
“I liked it – and yeah. It reminded me of eating at my folks place.”
“Beary’s good for the captain…”
“They’re a nice match and complement each other well.”
“You sound like a woman saying stuff like that, Jude! Get your hormone levels checked, boy…”
“Mayberry, take it easy on the kid.”
“Man, ain’t nobody says things like ‘Oh, you’re a cute pair’ – except Oprah – oh, and maybe Ruth Miller. That woman’s got stars in her eyes.” Cade shut the door behind the group, effectively leaving them alone to put up the Christmas tree.
“I think your team liked your first Thanksgiving here at your home,” she smiled shyly, rising to her feet. “This was so nice, Cade.”
“It’s not over either,” he suggested, pointing at the tree. “Let’s get this in the stand, water it, and then I want to spend some time kissing my girl.”
“What about the popcorn garlands?” she chuckled as he made a beeline for her – and not the tree. “Aren’t we going to hang them?”
“Yep,” he whispered, pulling her close. “Hang them all… every last strand…”
Cade felt Holly respond as she curled her arms around his neck, melting into his embrace. He adored how well they seemed to just know each other, as they meshed in a way he never expected. He loved the taste of her, the feel, the way she filled the space around him with her energy, and knew he would never get enough of her.
Breaking the kiss between them, he nearly groaned as he saw her bite her lower lip and look up at him at the same time that her fingers threaded through the back of his hair. Yeah, he got goose bumps at that combo and felt a shiver of electricity run up his spine. Leaning forward to kiss her again, he paused and drew back slightly, smiling.
“You know Rodney is right,” he whispered. “Usually, things get crazy around the holidays.”
“Oh?” she said huskily, giving him that look that set his blood on fire. He could imagine that look, freshly rumpled and sitting up in bed and smiled. Oh yeah, he’d been having quite a few thoughts about this woman that slammed into his world and gave his heart a jolt.
“Reckless, wonderful, crazy things because they are so happy.”
“Happiness can do that to a person.”
“So can love…” he said softly, not looking away from her gaze as they stood there, holding each other. He loved seeing those hazel eyes melt with comprehension, understanding, and hope. She had this way of making him feel like he was the very center of her world – and he wanted to be there. “I love you, princess. I know this is new between us, but I think you are probably the most spectacular person I’ve ever met.”
Cade saw her swallow, and her eyes got shiny with tears. He didn’t say anything and felt his heart clench in his chest. Maybe it was too soon for him to say something like that – and what if she didn’t feel the same? Was it too soon? Was he about to get his heart broken?
“Are you sure?” she asked in the most insecure, timid voice that he’d ever heard, and his heart flopped wildly in his chest. She was so soft, gentle, and feminine deep down inside. He marveled at how beautiful her soul was and how easily she let him in.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” he began hoarsely – and started as she threw her arms around his shoulders, leaping up on him. “Whoa!” he exclaimed… and then laughed as he realized she was hugging him and kicking her legs with excitement.