“You bruised my truck with those boots that are strangely absent,” he said quietly, looking at her feet, and chuckled again. “I promise I’m not weird, but you have cute feet that you’ve been hiding.”

“I hide a lot of things, apparently.”

“I think you do,” Cade replied, and they just stood there together, not saying a word. It was like he couldn’t get enough of looking at her – and it was the same for her. She kept trying to take in as much of his beautiful features as she could, knowing that any second, Dr. Jekyll would make an appearance and chase off the handsome Mr. Hyde. “Is this weird for you?”

“Me?” Holly asked, completely confused. “Is what weird?”

“You know, standing here with me and us talking.”

“Why would that be weird?”

“Oh, huh. Okay, now it’s weird,” he chuckled. “Weird, but I guess good.”

“You’ve lost me.”

“I’m kinda on a break, avoiding relationships and stuff – and well,” he smiled sheepishly at her, looking actually embarrassed. “I heard a bunch of rumors from some of the guys that you had a crush on me. I was trying to be nice and not hurt your feelings. I mean, you look really pretty, but I’m just not ready, or at least gun-shy after three bad dates.”

She didn’t know whether to scream, yell, laugh in his face, or vomit on his shoes as he stood there basically knowing she was interested, trying to let her down because he wasn’t looking for a relationship at all and had admitted to the fiasco that floated about town.

“Yeah, I guess that is sort of embarrassing for you, isn’t it?” she smiled easily. “Don’t worry. I won’t rub your face in it— much. I mean, how awful would that be if the rumors were true and you were shutting me down before anything ever happened? As if you and I could ever be a thing? Ha!” she laughed a little too loudly. “Us?” she continued trying to cover her shame, wagging a finger between the two of them. “You and me? I think we would irritate each other to no end, and there’s zero attraction.”

“Zero attraction…” he paused, staring at her, and then plastered a big fake smile on his face. “Exactly. Nope. Na-da. We’re just sorta friends, and this is just the start of a working relationship because you have my car, and I have my wallet.”

“Exactly,” she jumped, letting out a laugh. “That’s me, after your wallet.”

“You can’t have it…”

“Boy, this is a weird conversation.”

“Tell me about it,” she muttered, looking away and feeling a little nauseous. “Oh, look. My friend, Krista, is waving me over, which means food. You know, girls and food. We’re mood eaters.”

“You are?”

“I am…”

“I’ll remember that if we are ever out… talking… and you are in a mood.”

“I’d have to be in a mood to be eating with you in public.”

“Yeah, 'cause that would be weird if two friendly people ate in public together.”

“People would whisper and call it a date – and we both know it’s not.”


“Oh yes, the gossip,” Holly agreed dramatically – and then pointed. “I’m just gonna go over here.”

“I’m going to head in this direction,” Cade volunteered easily, tossing his thumb over his shoulder. “Maybe I’ll be seeing you.”

“I have your truck.”

“I have my wallet.”

“Then maybe we’ll see each other again in a few days? Or we could talk – or maybe text?”

“I could text you to see how the truck is coming along…”

“You could.”