Page 143 of Delusion in Death

In the master, gold again with soft, almost watery greens and blues, Callaway’s photo stood in a gold frame on an antique dresser. Facing the bed, Eve noted. She’d wanted to see him, see his face before she went to sleep.

“This was taken here.” She snatched it up, walked to the wide windows. “On the terrace, probably. You can see the river behind him. Get me the other one,” she snapped at Peabody, and circled the room with the photograph.

“Caring, sentimental. I’m wrong here. Maybe, maybe. He’s her blood—Menzini’s blood. Male. Good-looking, fit, not stupid. And willing to kill. Willing to follow the path. Menzini dies, and what does she have left? Callaway. The daughter’s nothing but the daughter provided the grandson. People put their hopes and dreams into their offspring.”

She grabbed the second photo when Peabody hurried back. It showed Callaway, wide smile, his arm around the waist of his grandmother. Was that pride in her eyes, Eve wondered. Affection? Ambition.

Maybe all of it.

“She gave him what she had,” Eve mused. “The means to destroy. Let him start with his enemies, his competitors, those he considered in his way. No, that’s not the mission, not the credo. That’s personal. Indulgence. She lets him create panic and fear, for his own sake—not the big picture. Then they’d move on, together, to bigger and better. Is that it? Did she, along the way, develop feelings for him? Her grandson, her only worthy family. No, she’s not going to leave him swinging.”

“What can she do?” Peabody asked. “She can’t get to him.”

“She’s cooked up a hell of a bargaining chip, right down in her kitchen. She can finish what he started, what he’d planned to do next. Weaver. That restaurant. What was it? What—Appetito.”


Nancy Weaver hooked her arm through her date’s as they strolled along the sidewalk. The night air, so cold and crisp, felt wonderful on her skin.

“Thanks, Marty.”

“For what?”

“For indulging me.”

He laughed, shifted so he could wrap an arm around her waist. “I thought we indulged each other.”

“We did. I know I was a mess when I showed up at your door.”

“You’ve had a horrible couple of days. We all have, but you most of all.”

“It’s been a nightmare, and I couldn’t wake up. When I heard that Lew—Jesus, how could I have worked with him all this time and not known, not seen?”

“Don’t they say it’s often the people closest who don’t see?”

“Maybe, but I’m trained to read people. Damn it, Marty, I’m good at it. Or I thought I was. I never read this in him. He can be difficult, moody, and annoyingly passive-aggressive, but, Marty, he killed all those people. And our own. Our own Joe and Carly.”

“Thinking about it’s only going to upset you again.”

“I can’t stop thinking about it. Well, I did for a while.” She smiled up at him. “And to think I nearly canceled our date tonight.”

“I’m glad you didn’t—not only for the mutual, predinner indulgence, but because you shouldn’t be alone.”

“I just walked out of work.” She tipped her head toward his shoulder. “I couldn’t be there. I just walked, and walked, and ended up at your door—two hours early. It was good for me, I admit it, but I have to think about everyone in the office. And, God, I still haven’t turned my ’link back on.”

“Leave it off.” He gave her a comforting squeeze. “Give yourself tonight. You can be there for everyone else tomorrow.”

“It feels selfish.”

“Speaking as the CEO of Stevenson and Reede, I say it’s not selfish but sane. You need some breathing room, Nancy. And so do I. The fallout on this is going to take weeks, months to dig out from under.”

“I need to contact Elaine—Joe’s wife—tomorrow. See how she’s doing. We need to do something for her, Marty, for her and Carly’s family. For the other families. I don’t know what yet. I can’t think straight.”

He drew her a little closer. “I promise you, we’re working on just that. Take the breathing room. We’ll have a nice bottle of wine, some dinner. You stay at my place tonight, and we’ll talk it through.”

“If I hadn’t had a date with you that night, that night we all went to the bar…”

He bent down to kiss the top of her head. “Don’t think about that either. You’re safe. You’re with me. And Lewis Callaway’s in police custody. He’ll never hurt anyone again.”