Page 71 of Caribbean Crush

He shrugs. “Oh, Phillip’s always loved the travel aspect of his job. I doubt he could ever stay in one place for long. Kind of like you travel journalists.”

It stings to hear him call me a travel journalist when I’m truly anything but that at this point.

“Right, yes. I do love that part of my job ...,” I lie, glad to see we’re finally inching closer to the crepe station. “Where is he this morning?” I inquire mildly. “Phillip, I mean.”

Tyson narrows his eyes in thought. “He’s probably running around making sure the ship is ready to take on a few more passengers.”

New passengers?

“I didn’t realize there were others joining us midcruise?”

“I think it’s a bit of a surprise thing.” He smiles conspiratorially and leans in. “Vivienne and her friend flew in to see Phillip. Wanted to congratulate him on Aurelia’s maiden voyage and everything. They definitely pulled it off. I didn’t even know about it.”

My chest constricts with this news, and it takes me an awfully long time to comprehend what he’s saying.

Vivienne is here?

In Saint Thomas?

On board Aurelia?

“That—that must have been some surprise.” My voice hitches, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

“I can’t imagine. I’m sure Phillip was glad to see her.”

Tyson doesn’t mean to wound me with his words. He’s not being intentionally cruel, after all. It’s only ... I guess Phillip hasn’t mentioned any of the things that have transpired between us. I’m not offended by it. That’s okay. I told Sienna but only because it felt necessary to bring her in on it. Phillip has proved to be an extremely private person, so why would he go running to Tyson about our ... our whatever it was.

Was being the operative word. If Vivienne is here, it’s absolutely, conclusively finished between Phillip and me.

“I’m so happy for him.”

Tyson sighs with relief. “God, me too.” With a shake of his head, he adds, “You know, he bought a ring. Back in January, I think it was, before they broke it off. It really devastated him when things ended.”

I touch his arm as I ask quickly, “So she ended it? Not him?”

Tyson looks at me curiously, and I realize this must seem odd. My eagerness, that is.

“This is absolutely off the record,” I say solemnly, in case that’s what he’s worried about. “I’m not digging for an article or anything. I’m only just ... wondering.”


The person in line behind Tyson waves for me to move ahead. It’s about to be my turn to order a crepe.

“Oh, sorry,” I say, rushing forward.

Tyson follows, and I’m aware of his attention on me. He studies my profile until I gain the courage to look up at him. His brow is furrowed. Whatever he’s thinking, it looks like it’s important.

“I’ve been wondering something myself actually. About you and Phillip.”

“About us?” I nearly croak.

“Yes, it’s just ... it seemed like maybe there was something happening there.”

“A friendship, that’s all,” I say, smiling, trying to cover our tracks. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve done with Phillip. I just don’t want to ruin anything for him. If Vivienne has suddenly come back into his life and they’re planning to work things out, I won’t stand in the way of that. I don’t want him to land in hot water just because of a few careless nights with me, ones he’s likely already put behind him.

Suddenly, I can’t do this.

“You know what?” I thunk my forehead with the heel of my hand. “What was I thinking? I have to be off. I can’t stand in this line, not if I want to make it in time for snorkeling.”