Guided Historic Walking Tour—depart Aurelia at 9:00 a.m.; return by 12:00 p.m.
Snorkeling Excursion (Coki Point beach)—depart Aurelia at 10:00 a.m.; return by 2:00 p.m.
Culinary Arts Cooking Class with Executive Chef Thomas Keller (La Dame kitchen)—11:00 a.m.
Wine Tasting (Library)—3:30 p.m.
Sunset Cocktails (The bow—deck six)—6:30 p.m.
Jazz Band and Supper Club (La Dame)—8:30 p.m.
I would gladly do any of these activities, but Sienna and I talked about snorkeling, and though her plans might have changed now since Javier likely bent her into a pretzel several times throughout the night—I’d imagine she might need a little break from physical activities—I still have my heart set on being outside and in the water today. I need some good ole vitamin D.
I get dressed in a one-piece layered beneath jean shorts and a simple white blouse. I slip on sandals and grab a water bottle and stow a few snacks in my bag, just in case. I’m not sure what all the snorkeling excursion will entail, but I don’t want to be out on a boat, starving because I didn’t think to pack some mixed nuts.
On the threshold of my suite, I hesitate for a multitude of reasons.
I didn’t crack open my laptop this morning. Should I at least check my email? Absolutely not.
Okay, well ... should I be worried about bumping into Phillip immediately upon walking out into the hallway? Possibly.
But I can’t stay locked away all day just because I’m scared of what it will be like when I see him today. Leaving how I did, all cloak and daggers like I was a secret agent, was kind of dumb, I realize. It’s too late to change it, though. To go back and offer a firm handshake and a curt goodbye.
If I see him, I’ll be cool. I’ll smile and pretend like it’s any other day on any other boat.
I head toward the dining hall, not bothering to knock on Sienna’s door first. I don’t want to accidentally see Javier’s peen this morning, thank you very much. They can sleep in.
There’s a breakfast buffet happening, though on a scale and magnitude I’ve never experienced before. This ain’t your uncle’s favorite Golden Corral. There’s a bevy of French pastries set out on a table, the length of which could rival a football field. Fruit has been arranged in delicate little crystal glasses, presliced and perfectly proportioned. A chef whips up omelets. Another folds Nutella and strawberry cream inside delicate crepes.
I head toward the end of the line, not surprised that we’re trudging forward at a snail’s pace. Everyone wants to take their time perusing the options, including me. There are so many things to choose from. I don’t have the biggest appetite, shocking considering I skipped dinner last night, but even I’m tempted by the cute French toast bites up ahead.
“Morning,” a chipper voice says behind me.
I turn to see Tyson pick up a tray and plate of his own, then scoot into line behind me. It’s always nice to see him, though obviously, my first instinct is to check to see if he’s alone. It seems that Phillip is never far off. This morning, though, there’s no Phillip in sight. A funny mixture of relief and disappointment washes over me, but I try not to let it show.
Instead, I smile brightly at Tyson, forcing the expression in the hope that I will actually start to feel happier than I am. “Hi, Tyson.”
“Big morning so far?” he asks.
I laugh a little. “Oh ... I sort of just rolled out of bed. Is that embarrassing? I do plan on snorkeling in a bit, though.”
“Awesome. That should be really fun. I haven’t snorkeled in Saint Thomas, but I hear it’s great. Where are they taking you guys, again?”
I rearrange my tray, pushing it onto my left hand so I can dig into my purse for my itinerary. “Coki Point beach. Not sure I’ve pronounced that right ...”
“You did. Co-key. It’s a beautiful beach. Great areas for swimming, and you should see plenty of fish.”
The line moves, and I tuck my itinerary away and shuffle forward. “What about you? Big plans today?”
“I’m actually departing this afternoon. Heading back to the States.”
I’m surprised to hear this. “But we still have a few more destinations.”
He nods. “Yes, but it was always the plan for me to leave early. I try to keep my travel to a minimum. It just gets to be too much, and I don’t like to be away from my girlfriend, Samara, for too long.”
“Phillip doesn’t mind it? The travel?”
It feels almost strange to bring him up like this, as if my motives are overtly obvious. I hate that I want to know so much about him. It doesn’t exactly help matters.