“I want to be cautious, but there’s only the minor sting on your calf.”
My chin lifts infinitesimally. “It didn’t feel minor while it was happening.”
“Only two, maybe three inches ...”
“More like five at least.”
He smiles, and our eyes lock. There’s a fleeting moment of lightness—the promise of more teasing banter—before I regain my good sense and look away.
“Can you walk over to that golf cart on your own?” he asks, pointing over to where we parked earlier.
“Of course.” I bend down to undo the Velcro strap around my ankle; then I stand. “Where can I put my surfboard?”
“I’ll have someone collect it. Don’t worry about it.”
He drops his hand to my lower back, presumably to direct me toward the row of waiting golf carts. Warm, large, possessive—that’s how his hand feels before I step out of his grasp. I doubt he realized what he was doing, touching me in that way. It might not have been an issue if I were in normal clothes, but I’m still wearing my bikini, and it was too much to have his hand on my bare skin so close to the top of my bikini bottoms. Having him touch my leg was bad enough ...
“Casey!” Sienna cuts in front of us, reaching out for my hand to squeeze it. “Are you okay? What happened?”
I tilt my leg out so she can see the rash on my calf, and she sucks in a sharp breath as if she’s never seen anything worse.
“Just a tiny sting. It’s really not that bad.” I look up at Phillip as if wanting his opinion; then upon realizing that, I frown and turn back to Sienna.
“I’m so sorry.” She grimaces and lets go of my hand. “I bet it’s painful.”
“It’s fine, promise. I’m just going to head back to the ship to get it looked at.”
“Smart. We’re so early on. Barely one destination in! Best to get it checked out so you can be on the mend.” She steps closer and lowers her voice. “I was hoping we’d still manage to go out on the town tonight with Ricardo, but if ...”
“I’ll keep you posted,” I promise. “I bet I’ll be good as new in no time.”
She grins. “Want me to come with?”
“No. Stay. Go enjoy the rest of the picnic. I’ll knock on your door later.”
She doesn’t look convinced, and I’m actually touched that she’d be willing to forfeit all the fun of the afternoon to be by my side, considering we only met yesterday. “Are you sure?”
Phillip touches my shoulder in an effort to get us going again. I slip off to collect my things, and then we walk the last leg of the journey back to where the golf carts are parked. He points to the black one nearest us.
“This is Ricardo’s cart,” I note, like it matters.
“My tour guide for the day.” When he doesn’t say anything, I tack on, “He was nice. Is he employed through your company?”
“We hire local vendors at all the ports. It ensures a more authentic experience for our guests. We try to ensure they’ve really got the lay of the land.”
When we’re beside the cart, I drop my bag on the seat and rifle through it for my sundress. I feel Phillip’s gaze on me, watching me as I unfold it and slip it on. I adjust it at my waist and look up just as he looks away.
“Are you ready?” he asks, a tight set to his jaw.
“I’m happy to drive myself.”
He ignores this and takes the seat behind the wheel. I have no choice but to slide in next to him. All day, I sat beside Ricardo as he drove us around, but it didn’t feel like this. There’s half a foot of space between Phillip’s thigh and my leg, and it’s like I’ve just been slid into a furnace. It doesn’t help that we’re alone.
“For the record, I don’t think this is necessary.”