Page 40 of Lone Star Secrets

Mia glanced around and had a moment of total confusion when she couldn’t figure out where she was. Definitely not her own bedroom at home or the guestroom. But rather Angel’s.

And he was right next to her.

He was awake, staring at her with eyes way too alert for someone who’d just woken up. Way too hot as well.

Yes, that thought slipped right into her mind. Just as merely seeing him caused the heat to slip through her body.

“You know, no one has the right to look as good as you do after being asleep for hours,” she muttered. “No bedhead. No weird creases on your face from where you slept too hard. Just…” She fanned her hand over him. “Drop dead hot.”

The corner of his mouth lifted in an almost smile. “I was thinking the same thing about you,” he drawled.

Oh, his mouth had made love to those words. Words that were an outright lie. She almost certainly did have the bedhead, weird creases, and maybe sleepy eyes. But the lie felt good. Made her feel even more of that warmth. Then, she realized the source of that warmth was right there. Next to her.

And hers for the taking.

Well, hopefully.

She leaned down and gave him a test kiss, just to see if he was ready and willing. He was. Angel made a sound deep from within his throat. A sort of husky grumble, and he slipped his hand around the back of her neck.

Pulling her down to him.

Exactly where Mia wanted to be.

He didn’t waste any time deepening the kiss, making it long, French, and very hot. Then again, Angel probably wasn’t capable of a kiss that was lacking that hot factor.

Mia slid right into that heat, into that kiss, into his arms, and she let the dreamy feeling of pleasure wash over her. Angel was good at that, too. Creating the pleasure. Building the need.

And, mercy, did the need build.

It went from that stirring heat to a full-blown fire. One where her body immediately started to clamor for more.

Angel was good at giving more, too.

Still kissing her, he slid his hand beneath her top and touched her. His fingers glided over her skin, going up, up, up until he reached her breasts. He shoved down her bra and tortured her nipples with swipes of his thumb.

He must have thought her breasts needed more of his attention because he broke the kiss, lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth.

That caused an explosion of heat.

And it fired up the urgency even more.

Lust was greedy and demanding, and it was demanding that she take this up yet another notch.

Mia went after the zipper of his jeans. He didn’t stop her. Angel just continued to kiss her, moving his mouth to her stomach, and only then did he put the pause button on her zipper duty by yanking her top off and over her head. Her bra soon followed, landing somewhere on the floor with her top.

Angel kissed her belly and would have just kept going down on her. And while she was certain she would have enjoyed that immensely, she’d been way too long without him. Mia wanted them to race toward this finish line together.

Well, hopefully together.

“Please tell me you have a condom,” she blurted, putting her own pause button on getting him naked.

“In the nightstand,” he said.

He did some multitasking by continuing to kiss her stomach while he reached over and extracted a condom from the drawer. Just the sight of it, coupled with the sight of him, revved her up even more.

Since her clothes were in the way, she levered herself off him, standing on the bed over him while she shimmied off her jeans and panties. Angel watched, the heat building in his eyes. Mia was certain there was some heat building going on in hers, too.

Heck, going on in every part of her body.