Page 97 of Lucky In Love

“Can I rest my head on your shoulder?”

“Of course. You can even hold my hand if you want.”

When more thunder boomed overhead, this time even startling me with the volume, Mindy jumped closer, wrapped her arms around mine, and clung to my hand. I gave it a gentle squeeze and covered hers with my other hand, soaking up how good it felt to have her soft skin on mine, even if her hand was too cold for my liking. “You’re safe, Min. I promise.”



This was not how I wanted to get closer to Aiden, but I wasn't complaining.

Why did the power have to go out? Why does there have to be a tornado warning? Why do I have to be so damn afraid of thunderstorms?

“Any better?”

Nodding, I gave his hand another squeeze as I forced myself to take a deep breath, noting the slightly musty smell of the basement mixed with laundry detergent and fabric softener. It was home-y and comforting. “A little, yeah. Thanks.” The absolute giddiness I felt at being comforted by this man was doing wonders in keeping my anxiety from overwhelming me. A strong gust of wind made the house creak and the tornado siren sound warble a bit, and I leaned into Aiden's side harder. It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine. “I’m so glad I'm not sitting in my car right now.”

“Me, too. It was damn lucky I even looked out my kitchen window and saw your car’s hazard lights blinking out there, but I’m so glad I did.”

As the thunder and wind got louder, I started to tremble. This reminded me too much of the night many, many years ago when I wasn’t sure if my parents and I were going to survive a tornado outbreak. When glass shattered upstairs, I shrieked. Aiden pulled me so I was straddling his lap and covered me with a quilted blanket I hadn't noticed was laying on the back of the couch. I wanted to make a smartass comment about how the fabric wasn’t going to protect me from much, but the comfort that washed over me at him being so protective won out. After taking another shaky breath, I snuggled against his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He smelled amazing, like body wash and something that reminded me of oranges and cloves, and there was no missing how muscular his chest was.

He said he’d protect me… and he is. There were few people outside of my parents and best friend who followed through on their word with me, and experiencing it outside of my circle was a surprise, but absolutely delightful.

There was more tinkling of glass breaking, and a few thuds as more than one something hit the floor. My heart pounded a little harder with adrenaline and panic. Breathe. Just keep breathing. I swallowed hard, focusing on how warm he was and how protectively he was holding me. I also took stock of my surroundings. With the shorts I was wearing, I felt every stitch of the scratchy fabric of the old couch, the rough texture of his jeans, and the smooth leather of his belt. My hands gripped his soft t-shirt. “Which window do you think that was?”

His chest moved up and down as he took a deep breath. “Either the one above the kitchen sink, or the one next to the dining table.”

The wind roared even louder, and I swore I heard a train in the distance.

We weren’t nearly close enough to tracks for that sound to be what I wanted it to be.

I glanced over my shoulder, around the basement, desperately looking for anything that could better protect us from the looming danger. When the small window in the opposite corner exploded in, and a book slammed against the wall across from it, my panic spiked to an all-new high. “Aiden?”

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “I’ve got you, Min. I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to you, and I intend to keep that promise to the very best of my abilities.” The wind was now roaring through the broken windows of the house, making it difficult to hear him, even though his lips were practically touching my ears. “Hold on.” Aiden tightened his hold on me.

I swallowed hard and pressed myself against his chest even harder. “Not letting go.”

In a talented motion, he rolled us off the small couch and pulled on the back, making it tip over and cover us. The coldness of the concrete floor touching the side of my calm made me gasp, but I felt better touching something solid. The sudden temperature change also distracted me from my panic for a second.

“It might not do much, but I feel better having more cover on you.” He paused. “Min, look at me. Open your eyes, please.”

At Aiden's request, I slowly opened them, not realizing that I had squeezed them shut in my blind panic. He had somehow pulled the little lantern under the couch with us so it wasn't completely dark, and it warmed my racing heart. The fact he was completely wrapped around me and laying on top of me helped a little as well.

“There are those beautiful blue eyes.”

I let out a shaky laugh as I stared into his grey ones. “They didn’t go anywhere.”

His classic little smirk appeared on his face as he tucked some of my hair behind my ear. “Maybe not, but I wanted to see them all the same.”

The wind gusted again, and more loud thuds sounded beyond the safety of our makeshift couch hut. I could only assume there was more debris from the tornado hitting the house. Every muscle in my body tensed up as I clung to Aiden, digging my fingers into his back.

Please don’t let us get sucked out of this basement.

He kissed the side of my head this time. “We are making it out of this alive, Min.”

More glass shattered upstairs, this time the sound coming from a different part of the house, and I wasn't sure if there was going to be any house left once the storm passed.

“Can we make out if we get through this alive?” The words popped out before I even realized what I was saying. I didn’t even care. If these were my last moments in this world, I wanted it out there that I wanted to kiss this man.