Page 24 of Lucky In Love

“Yes, sir,” He calls out.

“You’ll marry her.” Footsteps sound as Da goes down the hall, and I swear I haven’t taken a breath since he called my name.

“Jade, you’re turning blue.” I nod and wheeze in some air.

“Oh, my lord. He knows.” I cover my face.

“Aye,” Ciarán’s red face fills my vision again.

“Is that all you have to say on the matter?” I slap his shoulder, and he chuckles.

“Just my luck,” What?

“You call this luck?” I wave around at the round like a mad woman as if it symbolizes the mess we’re in.

“Oh, aye. What else would you call it?” I shrug, thinking of half a dozen terms in half a second.

“Oh, how about crazy, insane, humiliating,” He takes my hands in his and kisses me softly.

“All of which I’m sure I’ll cause you more of in the future. You heard Da. Let’s hurry before Ma plans our wedding.” He hops off the bed and grabs a shirt from his dresser.

“This isn’t funny. It’s our lives!” I stand dragging the sheet with me as I start looking for my clothes.

“What a lucky like it will be.” I throw a pillow at his big dumb head.

“Be serious!” He finally stops and looks at me.

“More serious than spending half the night pumping you so full of my cum that you’re probably already growing, my child?” I gasp and clutch my stomach.

Panic flushes my system.

“Now you’re getting it. I’m the luckiest man alive because you are mine. The parents knowing was the next logical step, and they all seem to know and approve, or Da would have stormed in her and cut off my balls.” He throws me one of his T-shirts at me, but I don’t bother catching it because his words are still rolling in my head.

“Baby?” He rolls his eyes and comes over to me, ripping the sheet away and lifting my arms so he can get his shirt over my head.

“That is what happens when adults have as much unprotected sex as we just did. Do you not want any?” I see a flicker of emotion cross his face when he asks.

Hope maybe?

“Yes, but not soon.” He nods and turns away from me a moment as if collecting his thoughts.

“Will go to the pharmacy after breakfast then.” I shake my head.

“We will not. But we will be more careful moving forward.” He grins when my words confirm that I’m willing to see where this goes.

Just not down the aisle any time soon, either.

“Are you sure, Jade?” I roll my eyes and bend over to pick up my shorts.

“No bloody knickers.” He growls as I drag them up my legs and button them.

“Maybe you are lucky.” He nods and kisses me.

“The fucking luckiest man ever. Now, come on. Let’s go face the music.” I groan.

Also by D Williams

MorningStar MC Novels