Page 119 of Lucky In Love

Understanding crossed his face. “How many?”

“Three,” I said, meeting his eye and starting to clean up my face.

He nodded.

I was silent for a moment, and when I finished, he held out a bag for me to toss in the dirty wipes. “Let me talk to Andrew and then I’ll tell you everything.”

He opened his mouth, and I cut him off.

“Take. Me. To. Andrew. Webber. Now.”

Chapter Two



“Keep your elbow up,” I barked at Beth and jabbed out to her left. She ducked and swiped her leg at me. I bounced over it and tapped her side. “You’re leaving yourself open, Bug.”

She put her hands up and took a couple steps back. “I’m tired.”

“Wes keep you up too late last night?” I teased her, and she swiped for my head before leaning over, huffing in air with her hands on her knees.

“No. Emily, actually. We were busy moving more of the Vaux money around. I only got about two hours of sleep before I had to be up for the day’s job meeting.” She stood back up, put her hands on her hips, and sighed. “Who was the idiot who said I’d be able to pull off two full-time jobs?”

I smirked at her because we both knew that she was that idiot.

“Shut up, Skeet!”

“What? I didn’t say nuttin’. In fact, Wes has also made it clear you don’t have to work if you don’t want to.”

“What, and just sit on my ass all day like you do?” She smiled brightly, and I was going to retort, but I heard Jensen’s voice coming down the stairs outside of the gym. It was firm but held a note of concern. Turning toward the door, I noticed a few members of Beta looked out to see what the commotion was about. I narrowed my eyes as he passed the open, glass double doors, trying to figure out who he was talking to, but his body obstructed my ability to see. All I saw was a flash of bright red hair and dark skin. Jensen’s voice carried through the gym as he said, “Well, I will feel better after Doc has a chance to check you over. Then we will meet with him.”

Him? Who would he be bringing to the compound to meet? If it were with Emmett, he would have used his name and title.

“What was that about?” I turned and gave Beth an even look, making her roll her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you can’t tell me because it’s business.” She glanced at the door again and narrowed her eyes. “Though, I’m impressed with his ability to go out today. Wes mentioned he and Dezi were up all night with the twins. I feel so bad for them. Sick infants are never fun.”

“Very true. I think Raquel is watching them now so Desiree can get a few hours. As for Jensen, well, I don’t know much other than he had to extract one of his informants.” My thoughts were distracted by the unknown identity of the person he’d brought in. “Are you done sparring for today, Bug?”

She took a deep breath. “Yeah, my arms are dead. I’ll do my three miles on the treadmill before heading up.”

I nodded and started unwrapping the tape from my hands. “I need to get some weights in, anyway. These pecs aren’t going to reform on their own.”

“Well, maybe if you didn’t get shot and almost die on us, you wouldn’t still be rebuilding all that strength back.”

Laughing, I grabbed her in a huge hug. “Yeah, I’ll remember that next time I’m trying to keep you alive.”

She pushed me off her. Chuckling, I lifted the ropes and helped her out of the ring. “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me every time we spar, Bug. I’ll always help you out. Well, unless something major happens.”

She twisted and kicked me in the butt. “Let’s never have something like that happen again, okay? Between us, the San Augustines, and the Agostis, I think we’ve had enough drama to last a lifetime. Three wars in less than two years, Skeet. I’ve done the research. There hasn’t been that kind of upheaval in Chicago in generations.”

I nodded as she grabbed her headphones and started unwrapping her hands. I did the same, put on one of my playlists, and went to the rack. After setting my weight, I laid on the bench and lifted the bar. Slowly, I brought the bar down and pressed back up, feeling the muscles engage slowly.

It was my third set of ten, and the muscles in my chest were starting to burn, when there was a tap on my knee. I finished the press and racked the bar before looking down to see Wes standing at the end of the bench. I pulled off my headphones. “What’s up?”

“Emmett wants to see you.”